Anne Viard Partner
Anne-Laure is B.Sc. in Economics and Master Degree in Finance by the Sorbonne University in Paris. After studying a Master Degree in Audit by Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, she started in 1992 her professional career in audit, being appointed partner in 2005. Anne-Laure is member of the Official Registry of Chartered Accountants (ROAC).
To date, she has led audit projects in the Industry and Service sector with a specialization in multinational customers operating in the Automobile, Transportation and Logistics, Distribution and Food sectors.
She founded the Transaction Advisory Services business line in Spain at the end of 2006, mainly leading financial due diligence projects for Spanish and foreign investors.
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Pages associated to Anne Viard
- Mujeres Avenir pone en valor el talento femenino en el mundo empresarial
- Business France y Mazars lanzan la guía "Make a French Start - Setting up Business in France"
- Innovación y circularidad como palancas de crecimiento sostenible
- El impulso de la descarbonización en el reto de una Europa verde
- The future of sustainable mobility in Spain: policies, progress and a potential roadmap for change
- Experimentation and imagination: designing the blueprints for future cities
- Bundling in the city: integrating urban transport services
- Where mobility goes next: lessons from ride pooling
- Learning to carshare: the impact for drivers and manufacturers
- Petrol tanks to data banks: the transformation of the automotive industry
- Reinventing the wheel: mobility as a service
- Asequible, experimental, sostenible: dando forma al futuro de la movilidad
- Revelando las oportunidades de crecimiento ecológico en el sector de la automoción
- ¿Puede la industria aeronáutica hacer un aterrizaje sostenible después de la Covid-19?
- Recorrer la distancia: cómo pueden las empresas logísticas ‘ganar’ en sostenibilidad
- Movilidad sostenible: desafíos y lecciones
- Preferencias o políticas de los consumidores: ¿qué está impulsando el cambio en el mundo de la automoción y la logística?
- Reinventing the wheel: Mobility in a sustainable, post-Covid world
- Reinventing the wheel: what’s driving change in 21st century mobility
- Conscious, collaborative, connected: making over the luxury business model
- Capgemini España elige a Mazars como su nuevo auditor
- Mujeres Avenir: Economía circular: un enfoque innovador y sostenible
- The four different ways that T&L industry is impacted by technology and digitalisation
- Jornada Hispano-Francesa de la Industria Aeroespacial
- Technology and Sustainability: Five innovations defining the future
- Jornada "La gran empresa con la startup”
- Annual report on the ecommerce 2018
- Discover our 2018 Ecommerce reports!
- Global Ecommerce Survey 2017
- Global E-commerce Report 2017