
Legal services offered by Forvis Mazars focus both on multinational and local companies, with the clear objective of helping them to reach reliability and competitiveness in the development of their activities.

Professional principles that create value for our customers

Our cultural diversity and professional capacities in law and economy allow us to understand better our customers and their commercial environments.

We count with a wide capacity to assess and understand the business, which is essential to provide a good advice and top-quality solutions.

We respond to a changing environment, permanently supervising new developments and sharing our knowledge and experience with professionals within the firm, as well as with other experts with proven reputation in the profession we share. 

A transparent and efficient approach

In ForvisMazars, every project is managed under the supervision of a dedicated partner who is available in all of the project’s stages, in order to ensure a fluent progress and successful results.

Our professionals are accustomed to work in teams created for our customers’ needs. These teams are sufficiently large so as to exploit al necessary knowledge and sufficiently small to optimize the reactivity, quickness and profitability.



Corporate Law

“Mastering the game”

Within the business sector, we provide support and assistance to entities and businesses of all industry branches in the key areas of their value chain: research, development and licences, logistics and distribution, supply and production.

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Corporate / Mergers and Acquisitions (M&A)

Corporate transactions, mergers and acquisitions, both national and international, constitute one of Forvis Mazars’ main activities. We manage these transactions by working jointly with tax and accounting consultants and financial experts, allowing us to provide comprehensive solutions to complex tasks.

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Advertising and unfair competition Law

Forvis Mazars counts with an Advertising and Unfair Competition Law Department formed by professionals with over 10 years of experience.

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Prevención y solución de conflictos

El departamento de Litigación, ADR y Concursal trabaja muy de cerca con otras áreas de actuación de la compañía en el desarrollo de iniciativas para ayudar a sus clientes a reducir sus riesgos de litigio.

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Litigación y arbitraje

Ante el nacimiento de una controversia, si tras los oportunos intentos de solución extrajudicial la controversia persiste, la firma asesora a sus clientes en la definición e implementación de su estrategia de litigio, tanto si se somete a la jurisdicción ordinaria o a arbitraje, evaluando los riesgos del litigio y estructurando una sólida defensa de las posiciones de los clientes.

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Procedimientos de insolvencia: Derecho preconcursal y concursal

En Mazars contamos con un equipo de abogados con amplia experiencia en derecho concursal. En el marco de procedimientos concursales, actuamos tanto como asesores del concursado como del acreedor, Asimismo, contamos en nuestro equipo con varios administradores concursales.

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Servicios de Inversión y Banca Privada

El nuevo entorno de la actividad inversora demanda adaptar los comportamientos de los participantes en el mercado, así como profundizar en la percepción de los inversores frente a la contratación de productos y servicios de inversión en cualquiera de sus tres categorías (minoristas, profesionales o contrapartes elegibles). Y a tal efecto, es fundamental que los diferentes actores cuenten con el adecuado asesoramiento jurídico y fiscal, incluyendo entre otros aspectos los que destacamos a continuación:

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Criminal Law

We count with a wide experience in criminal economic law, intervening in all activities where the company may be liable.

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Labour Law and Social Security

“A common commitment”

Issues related to human capital are the most complex and important matters to be faced by any organization, since they can affect the productivity and create or damage the companies’ culture. Our sector specialization can improve an organization’s competitiveness and increase its appeal.

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Public, Administrative and Regulatory law

"We offer comprehensive advice in all areas of Pubic, Administrative and Regulatory Law, thanks to our team of professionals who count with more than 15 years of experience in these subjects.

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Public Procurements

Forvis Mazars Public and Administrative Law department counts with a highly reputable and specialized team of experts in public procurement, with more than 15 years of experience in Public field.

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Urbanism and Land Planning

We count with large experience in the analysis of estates’ urban system and conditions, administrative concessions, public properties, forced expropriations and comprehensive advice related to the execution of large infrastructures and urban planning.

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Real Estate

“Building projects for the future”

The real estate sector and related investments are important economic factors. They usually imply important expenses and are frequently subject to government regulations and political influences, as in the case of the purchase and sale of public properties.

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Banking and Financial Law

We provide high quality advice in legal aspects and services based on our wide experience and knowledge of the banking and tax legislation, and in accounting standards.

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Intellectual property

Forvis Mazars Tax & Legal has generates a working area to provide support to companies in all stages to generate a protection strategy in industrial and intellectual property, both at national and international level.

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