
At Forvis Mazars we offer a full range of services that will give you a clear insight into your company strategy, business processes and financial reports.

We also give you all the necessary advise and support to manage your operational and financial processes and the risks involved.

Our team of highly trained professionals deliver a range of specialist services that can be adapted to the size and type of your organisation

Our services include:

Risk Management

  • Calculation of expected losses and collective reserves, in agreement with the new Annex IX, of Circular 4/2004 and IFRS 9.
  • AQR – Stress Test.
  • Elaboration of predictive models and management integration.
  • Review and optimization of admission, follow-up and recovery processes.
  • Valuation of portfolios and financial instruments.

Process organization and business transformation

  • Optimization of organizational structures and models.
  • Definition of process maps and elaboration of As-is / To-be models.
  • Process diagnosis, identification of points for improvement, detection of operational inefficiencies sand prioritization of action lines.
  • Redefinition of relationship, sale and distribution models (digital transformation).
  • Definition of reporting model and conceptual design of dashboards based on KRIs and KPIs.


  • Intermediation between business and technology, in order to  operate complex issues as “secondary actor”.
  • Definition, implementation and direction of the management and control of a project management office (PMO).
  • Developments and reviews of contingency and business continuity plans.
  • Review of contracting processes, contracts’ follow-up, budget control and Service Level Agreements (SLA).
  • Implementation of a Data Governance Framework.
  • Business Intelligence solutions. Dashboards. Data exploitation cubes.
  • Data Certification in Financial Systems through analysis of data’s relational integrity and internal coherence.
  • Data  certification and support in technological migration or integration processes.


  • Adaptation to the new Unique Oversight Mechanism.
  • Basil II/III and capital adequacy.
  • Regulatory reporting (solvency, liquidity and financial statements).
  • CIRBE (CBE 3/1995 and CBE 1/2013). Anacredit.
  • RDA – Data governance and quality.
  • Remunerations policy.
  • MiFID II – MiFIR.
  • Compliance with regulation on PRIIPS.

Financial Function

  • Credit risk
  • Income insurance
  • Cash Management
  • Financial reporting
  • Corporate Treasury Services
  • Actuarial services:
    • Asset and liability management / ALM management.
    • Valuation of technical reserves / financial investments.
    • Validation / development of internal models.
    • Embedded Value.
    • Employed Benefits.
    • Assistance in the implementation of Pillar I of Solvency II.
    • Restructuring of financial assets / Solvency II.
    • Valuation of financial instruments.
    • Certifications (pension plans…).
    • Business plan development.
    • Elaboration of technical papers/support to technical department.

Digital transformation

  • Digital marketing
  • Advanced client segmentation.
  • Graphs – relationships among customers.
  • Crossed selling
  • Dynamic pricing.
  • Loyalty (flight or dormant clients).
  • New channels.
  • Digital engagement
  • Remote relationship.
  • Customer experience
  • CRM: review and creation of client behaviour models  to make decisions, identifying situations in different fields.
  • Technological integrations: review of system integration and migration processes, through data integrity testing aimed to verify the information’s correct format, and parallel implementation focused on verifying the correct operation of end-to-end applications.

Consultoría Tecnológica

La línea de Servicios Tecnológicos de Mazars cubre todas las necesidades en tecnología de la información, comunicaciones y protección de nuestros clientes, potenciando la transformación digital de sus infraestructuras, implantando y manteniendo entornos tecnológicos avanzados, seguros y eficaces que les permite competir en el actual mercado de tecnología.

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Governance, Risk Management & Compliance

Forvis Mazars’ Governance, Risk management & Compliance Area (GRC) offers a specialized advice for you to know and efficiently manage all of your corporate risks: operative, sectoral, technological, legal, etc., providing you with methodology, support tools and experts in different disciplines and sectors, with a long record both at national and international levels.

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