
A comprehensive solution to drive growth.
The franchise market is in good shape in Spain, both from the standpoint of turnover and from the point of view of the number of establishments and related employment. However, in order to continue in the path of growth and to make it sustainable in time, the industry faces a series of challenges, such as the internationalization, the financing or the enhancement of the franchise as growing strategy for businesses.

In order to succeed in the franchise market’s challenges, Mazars makes available a comprehensive solution for the brand and the franchise throughout its development.

For brands…

Our approach helps brands throughout the development process under the concept of independent organize trade, adapted to the needs, strategy and objectives of every project. We assist brands in four key stages:

  • Prior analysis
  • Diagnosis: from the idea to the project
  • Modelling: from the project to the model
  • Commissioning: from the model to the market


For franchisees…

Our approach also includes a Franchisee Pack, thanks to our experience with more than 1,000 franchisees, professionals and employers in all sectors of activity, in particular in France and Spain. Among our different services, we offer our advice to franchisees in financing, accounting, internal control, legal, labour, etc.
