Discover our 2018 Ecommerce reports!

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Together with the Ecommerce Foundation, Mazars is launching a series of studies and thought leadership pieces exploring the trends, challenges, and opportunities brought on by the emergence of ecommerce. The report analyzes the real situation of the spanish market and details the core driven of growth of electronic commerce in our country, as well as the main challenges of the industry in our market for the coming years.

We analyze thye ecommerce market from different points of view

infographic ecommerce

In our microsite in addition to accessing the main data of the report for Spain, you will also find the comparison with some of the main European countries such as Switzerland, the Netherlands, the United Kingdom or Italy.

In relation to the Spanish market, the report includes a series of conclusions among which stand out:

  • Online buyers in Spain will exceed 24 million in 2018, 7.5% more than the previous year
  • By sector, travel (37%), clothing (31%) and tickets for shows and events (28%) concentrate the majority of online purchases in our country.
  • Purchases through mobile devices continue to grow (more than 37% of consumers use it in their purchases compared to 29% of the previous year), and are majority among Generation Z, although they are still far from those made through PCs or laptops.
  • The adoption of a true omnichannel strategy that encompasses the entire purchasing process continues to be one of the main challenges for companies in our country.

Below you can download the report related to Spain 


Spain 2018 Ecommerce Study
