Transport & Logistics

The transport and logistic sector is currently in a highly changing environment: steep surges of raw materials’ prices, hardening of environmental regulatory restrictions, globalization and intensification of the merchandise cross-border flow -together with the increased presence of international competitors-, expansion of the e-commerce industry...

Forvis Mazars offers bespoke solutions to help transport and logistic companies to face their challenges, both carriers, shippers, intermediaries, service suppliers, etc.

Our teams, at the forefront of technical standards, combine the knowledge of the main issues faced by the sector with an understanding of each organization’s individual challenge to be able to provide the necessary tailored solutions in each case.

The sector’s issues:

Many sector companies face a number of challenges…

  • Ensure operations and manage risks
  • Optimize costs and financial function
  • Improve performance
  • Supply chain digitalization

Our response

We offer bespoke solutions, according to each client’s needs, in the following fields:

  • Financial, legal and tax advice in the management of foreign subsidiaries
  • Internal control, risk management
  • Audit of contracts (guarantees, commercial resources…)
  • Implementation or optimization of anticorruption and fraud limitation policies
  • Data review to improve the decision-making process
  • Exchange rate hedging and raw material risk exposure
  • Support in the creation of companies or internationalization in emerging markets
  • Advice in the establishment and optimization of shared service centres
  • Management and optimization of transfer pricing policies and procedures

Our competitive advantages

  • Specialized professionals and sector experts
  • Global teams who work jointly with the remaining Group companies (we are present in 79 countries), allowing us to work for the main sector firms throughout the world

