Stay inControl

Governance remains a high priority for international companies as they expand into new markets. Having the right systems and internal controls in place to remain compliant with local laws and regulations is central to a company’s ability to both assess and mitigate risk on a global scale.

As technology and innovation play an increasingly pivotal role, we have combined our international client experience to create inControl, an online portal which gives you complete oversight of all your compliance activities. This smart solution allows you to see at a glance what’s happening locally and when action needs to be taken. With a simple dashboard of real-time information you can demonstrate that you are in control of all compliance activities in every location.


Top 5 benefits of using inControl

1. Customisable workflows: ability to reflect internal organization and processes

2. Improved governance: ability to track the progress of activities against KPIs

3. Increased efficiency: clear workflows identified and managed through one portal, reducing routine communication and e-mail traffic

4. Greater transparency: see at a glance what’s happening locally and when action needs to be taken

5. Local support: access to local experts, teams and partners that are embedded into the solution at the outset

Our inControl Ambassadors

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