Next Generation EU

How can companies and administrations take advantage of the European recovery plan

The EU has approved a recovery plan (Next Generation EU) for an amount of €750.000m which purpose is to mitigate economic and social damages caused by the pandemic and to transform the economy with the ecologic and digital transition as drivers of the change. This specific initiative, together with other European financing instruments, such as the “Multiannual Financial Framework 2021-2027” (€1,074,000m), aims to palliate damages caused by the Covid-19 and transform the European economy.

The Next Generation EU fund comprises two complementary instruments:

  • The “Recovery and Resilience Facility” (RRF) with €672,500m. These funds are expected to start arriving from spring of 2021. To date, Spain has been allocated with RRF grants for an amount of €43,480m (between 2021 and 2022) and €15,686m (in 2023).
  • The “React the European Union” (REACT-EU) with €47,500m, as an additional programme within the field of the 2014-2020 operating programmes of the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) and the European Social Fund (ESF).

Purpose: to face the pandemic’s socioeconomic aftermath, while promoting the digital and ecologic transformation and productive fabrics.

Challenge: it will be necessary for the public administrations and businesses to be prepared to channel and raise European funds, as well as to manage and carry out projects.

At least 60% of amounts to be awarded as grant and as some categories of budget guarantees must be committed by the end of 2022.

Objectives of the RRF

A common objective shared by companies and administrations 

Private Sector Services 

Public Sector Services 

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Why Forvis Mazars?

Why can we be your right partner?
Thanks to our integrated model, we count with a single international team, but with a great experience and local knowledge, articulated in several European offices (Spain, Brussels), and ready to help you in anything you may require with regard to European funds.

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Private Sector Services

The Private Sector has the challenge of joining the fundraising process through key initiatives for economic recovery and transformation in the field of green, digital and resilient.

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Public Sector Services

The Spanish public administration, autonomous and state, have a key role in facilitating the agility for the absorption of funds as well as in the success of the execution of the projects.

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A common objective shared by companies and administrations

The EU recovery plan entails challenges and opportunities for all actors, both public and private.

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Objectives of the RRF

The purpose of the RRF is to become a driver of the employment creation and to promote the sustainable growth.

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