
We count with a multidisciplinary team –consisting of consultants, auditors and lawyers and tax advisors–, with wide experience in providing advice, implementing and monitoring sustainability and corporate responsibility strategies.

The integration of sustainable development in business processes is based on social and environmental responsibility as a lever for growth. As a result, the application of sustainable development aspects and solutions offered by us to integrate them within the companies’ business management focuses on two targets: to transform it into a value-creation and a risk control tool for the purpose of improving sustainability, and to increase the reliance of investors, consumers and society in general.

Companies’ challenges:

The companies’ life expectancy has reduced to one third in the last 50 years and elements integrated in the companies’ reliance and values are mostly intangible assets. Investors focus their investment policies in ESG aspects and there are new legal requirements, such as Directive 2014/95/EU (and its Spanish transposition with Law 11/2018) or modifications of the Public Sector Contracts Act. In order to face these challenges, new global action frameworks have been established, such as the Sustainable Development Goals, climate-related agreements, such as the Paris Memorandum of Understanding, and recommendations for action, such as those issued by the CNMV on good corporate governance or the TFCD of the Financial Stability Board (FSB).

In this context, Corporate Social Responsibility is the companies’ strategic and proactive bet, allowing them to anticipate these risks and opportunities, applying a long-term view, and contributing value to society as a whole.

Our service offering:

  • Verification of Non-Financial Reporting Statements and sustainability reports, according to Standard ISAE 3000.
  • Elaboration of Master plans in CSR.
  • Integration of Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) and the principles of the Global Compact on the companies’ strategic plans.
  • Elaboration of materiality studies to identify internally and externally-relevant sustainability matters.
  • Elaboration of CSR reports and Integrated Reports, according to the main international reporting standards, such as the GRI Standards and Integrated Reporting.
  • Advice and response to ESG analysts and investors.
  • Development of studies on socioeconomic impact.
  • Salary gap studies.
  • Development of dashboards and non-financial reporting and consolidation computer tools.
  • Carbon Footprint stocktaking, calculation, verification and compensation, according to the GHG Protocol and Standard ISAE 3410.
  • Environmental Due Diligences.
  • Studies on the evaluation of environmental risks derived from the compliance with Law 26/2017 of Environmental Responsibility.
  • Audits of placing in the market to producers of Electrical and Electronic Devices.


Mazars CSRD Guide for non-EU groups and EU subsidiaries
