Criminal Law

We count with a wide experience in criminal economic law, intervening in all activities where the company may be liable.

We focus on preventing illegal actions and intervene in the defence of business activities in:

  • Criminal proceedings for economic crimes: the team is particularly specialized in complex criminal researches with transnational components for corporate crime, tax fraud, evasions or money laundering that involve the criminal liability of corporations and other legal persons.
  • Criminal proceedings for labour crimes: the team has worked in the criminal area of labour accidents that incur in crime and others related to work health and hygiene. Also, we have worked in matters related to contracting conditions.
  • Criminal proceedings for environmental crimes: ecologic crimes in the business area, implying the generation of emissions.
  • Internal investigation proceedings: we provide assistance in the internal investigation of different irregular processes, such as sexual or labour harassment, crimes with the market, protection against privacy and personal intimacy.
  • Corporate compliance: we provide advice and elaborate criminal risk prevention systems. We develop with the company a preventive criminal defence policy.

