Corporate Law

“Mastering the game”
Within the business sector, we provide support and assistance to entities and businesses of all industry branches in the key areas of their value chain: research, development and licences, logistics and distribution, supply and production.
  • Logistics, sales and distribution

In the area of logistics and distribution, we provide advice to manufacturers, suppliers and distributors in all of the most relevant aspects of local and international legislations governing the transportation, purchase and sale of goods, business agreements and all kinds of representation and distribution agreements. Furthermore, our comprehensive range of services covers the most significant areas of the legislation which affect representation and distribution agreements; in particular, the practices of unfair competition.

  • Research, development and licences

In the field of research and development, we provide advice on all aspects of technology transference and licence agreements for all types of industrial and intellectual property (technical and commercial knowledge, patents, software, trademarks, utility models, etc.).

  •  Supply and distribution

Within distribution agreements, we offer services including the elaboration of the entire range of necessary documents, from standard business terms to complex purchase and quality guarantee agreements for all kinds of goods and services. We cover all relevant areas of the legislation that affect purchase agreements; in particular, legislation on competition.

  • Outsourcing

We provide advice to suppliers and purchasers of services on all aspects of outsourcing and service delegation agreements and house brand. This includes the design, elaboration and negotiation of effective and efficient framework agreements, as well as service agreements in such areas of legislation and for all types of commercial processes.

  • «Corporate Compliance»

Regulation compliance has become a legal discipline in itself which aim is to prevent legal and regulation breaches in all relevant areas for the business. Therefore, such compliance has become a significant aspect not only for listed entities, but also for small and medium-sized companies. Our corporate law practice and multidisciplinary approach with the internal control area provides a solid advice on different aspects related to compliance; in particular, through advice and training in fraud prevention, corporate criminal defence, competition law, management of agreements and civil liability.

Our range of services:

  • Service agreements in the industry
  • Research and development agreements
  • Licence agreements (technologies, knowledge, patents, trademarks, software)
  • Manufacturing agreements according to third parties’ specifications and distinctive marks
  • Provisioning agreements, logistic service agreements and service agreements
  • Representation and distribution, including e-commerce
  • Standards terms of business and standard purchase-sale agreements
  • Outsourcing agreements and delegation of services
  • Advice on compliance, fraud, competition, management of agreements and civil liability

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