Real Estate

“Building projects for the future”
The real estate sector and related investments are important economic factors. They usually imply important expenses and are frequently subject to government regulations and political influences, as in the case of the purchase and sale of public properties.

Real estate transactions can be very complex, since they usually have legal, tax, notary and administrative implications and, therefore, require advice in multiple disciplines.
Furthermore, real estate investments are increasingly multinational and require an international knowledge.

In Forvis  Mazars, we offer a solid experience in all aspects of a real estate transaction. 
Our range of legal services covers every step of a real estate project, from the acquisition and financing of the land’s purchase and sale, through the construction or reform stage, to the estate’s sale.

Our firm’s customers include corporations and public and private associations that acquire, sell, build and invest in the real estate sector.

  • Real estate transactions

Our extensive knowledge of the real estate sector in numerous European countries allows us to provide top-quality legal and tax advice to our customers on commercial real estate transactions, including areas of sale and entertainment. On the basis of our solid ability to analyze the economic dimension and our long experience, we manage the estate’s comprehensive ‘life cycle’, from the initial acquisition, development, lease, business combinations and financing, until the final exit. Additionally, we are experts in managing residential property portfolios, and receive regular advice from international insurers, banks and investment funds.

  • Management of property assets

Depending on the customer’s approach and investment objectives, we determine the appropriate acquisition structure and assist the customer to implement it. Furthermore, we structure the investment to optimize benefits throughout the investment and exit stages.

After completing the real estate transaction or development, we take care of our customers’ interests, helping them to manage their real estate portfolios; in particular, we negotiate commercial leases and asset management agreements.

  • Real estate developments

 We identify urban planning and construction applicable standards, help our customers to obtain the necessary administrative authorizations, provide advice on environmental law and prepare all necessary agreements related to the customer’s real estate development project. Of the property is acquired when the estate is being built or renewed, we ensure that our customer’s interests are appropriately protected throughout the project.

  •  Real estate funds

Although the European real estate market is converging, there is still a lack of harmonization in its legal and tax standards. Indeed, every country and jurisdiction has specific structures to collect property capital. We always compare the different financing options, and count with a wide experience in closed and open funds, regulated and non-regulated funds, and in REITs (real estate investment trusts) and listed real estate entities.

  •  Financing

 We count with the necessary experience to find the appropriate financing structure. We render services including the elaboration and negotiation of financing agreements, security, debt structuring, financing and simple mortgages, hybrid financing structures, co-investment agreements and convertible bonds’ structures. 

Different financing types are used on international real estate projects, such as private capital, banking financing and shareholders’ loans. In every case, investors must ensure that they comply with narrow capitalization rules to guarantee the deduction of interests and optimize their investments from the tax and financial standpoints.

The main areas of our real estate practice are the following:

  • Real estate transactions
  • Structuring operations of real estate companies and funds
  • Legislation on construction
  • Environmental legislation
  • Legislation on acquisitions
  • Real estate financing
  • Procedural
