Recent Banking Podcasts

Greg Simpson, Head of Banking UK at Mazars, sits downs with various banking experts from around the practice to discuss upcoming issues for overseas and challenger banks in areas such as accounting, finance and regulatory topics on the corporate agenda. Also discussed in these podcasts are what steps banks need to take to ensure that requirements are being met and what are the common issues banks face when implementing these changes.

Basel III Implementation - May 2018

In this podcast, Greg Simpson discusses the Prudential Regulatory changes proposed by Basel III. Together with Phuong Gomard and Bowen Lu, regulatory specialists in Mazars’ Banking Consulting practice, they highlight the impact on the standardised approach to credit risk and operational risk. Whilst relevant to all UK banks, it is particularly relevant to smaller challengers and overseas banks.

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Banking Regulatory Outlook - July 2017

Along with Mazars banking regulatory advisory specialists Pauline Pelissier and Audrey Cauchet, Greg Simpson provides an overview of the banking regulatory outlook in the UK and Europe over the next 12 to 18 months. They also discuss IFRS9 in the context of regulatory treatments, credit risk management, non-performing loans, CRD5 and CRR2.

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Why Banks Need to address Cyber Security - June 2017

In this podcast Greg Simpson discusses cyber security with our expert Francisco Sanches. They discuss major threats such as emerging risks, FCA guidance on cloud data storage and the cyber security skill gaps to name a few.

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Implications of Banks Implementing IFRS 9 - May 2017

Greg Simpson, Head of Banking UK and banking experts Paul Hodgett and Pierre Latrobe discuss the implications of IFRS9, more specifically they share some of their experience on helping banks implement IFRS 9. As the standard starts on 1 January 2018, they will also comment on some of the areas that banks need to consider in the classification measurement.

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