Reclaiming NIC on car allowances - what you need to know

After a recent NIC reclaim tribunal was found in favour of the taxpayer, we are advising businesses on whether they too could be reclaiming NIC on car allowances.

This could be of relevance to your business and provide you with an opportunity to make an historic NIC reclaim claim for earlier tax years where your business has:

  • made car allowance payments to employees via payroll;
  • employees that drive their own cars for business journeys; and
  • paid them less than 45p per mile for these business journeys

Discover our Employment Tax team webinar, discussing “Reclaiming NIC on car allowances: what you need to know”, where they provided practical guidance on: what action to take, the information you need to support a claim and how we assess what the potential reclaim might be.

You can use our questionnaire to find out your NIC reclaim position.

Reclaiming NIC on car allowances: what you need to know

Discover our Employment Tax team webinar, discussing “Reclaiming NIC on car allowances: what you need to know”, where they provided practical guidance on: what action to take, the information you need to support a claim and how we assess what the potential reclaim might be

Get in touch

Additionally, if you think this may apply to your business, you can complete our quick online form here. By completing this we will be able to give you a high level NIC Reclaim calculation and our Employment tax team will come back to you for an initial consultation at no charge.

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