
Helping to create a hydrogen-based society

As a sustainable and versatile replacement for high-carbon fuel, Hydrogen is becoming increasingly central to the global energy transition and the UK’s 2050 net-zero target. Hydrogen has huge potential to have a dramatic impact across industries with high CO2 emissions such as automotive, methanol production, ammonia production, construction, steel manufacturing, transport, energy, and oil & gas.

As a growing sector, Hydrogen presents both new opportunities and new risks for businesses. Our integrated team of specialists can help you navigate this ever-changing business environment, offering support for all your business needs.

We continuously invest in the development of strong sectoral expertise and specialised technical skills. We demonstrate strong technical and commercial knowledge in the energy and infrastructure sectors, which makes us a dynamic team, capable of adapting to changes and deploying technical skills on new and upcoming segments such as Hydrogen.

Our approach

We work as one global team to support clients both internationally and locally. Using a flexible approach, we help clients evaluate business opportunities and strengthen strategic decision-making, enabling them to build a sustainable business and transition to new energies.

Our services are relevant and responsive to both the needs of the industry and the individual client. Whether you are a large multinational corporate, financial investor, lending institution or an SME, we can help you tackle challenges and seize new growth opportunities in the Hydrogen sector.

Our holistic approach towards hydrogen brings our services under the umbrella of one integrated package. We offer one of consulting services to support you throughout the project lifecycle, from financing, to deal execution and later at the project delivery stages. This includes financial modelling and the development of a strong business case at project commencement and feasibility stage; setting up the business structure, processes, and systems; developing effective accounting, commercial and taxation frameworks; and providing company secretarial services. In addition, we provide valuation, audit, consulting, and deal advisory services at the later stages of the project delivery.

We aim to support clients across all industries and sectors in which hydrogen can be widely utilised for both production and manufacturing purposes.

Our services:

  • Financial modelling
  • Transaction support and financial advisory
  • Valuations
  • Business case development 
  • Procurement & Commercial strategy
  • Contract management
  • Accounting & tax & compliance 
  • Deal advisory
  • Consulting 

To find out more about our expertise and services please see our hydrogen sector brochure.

Get in touch

If you would like to contact our team, please use this contact form or use the link below to submit Request For Proposal documents.

Submit an RFP


Hydrogen sector brochure

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