Developing international corporate structures that have an efficient but appropriate tax treatment is becoming increasingly complex. Worldwide changes are being triggered by the OECD's Base Erosion and Profit Shifting (BEPS) initiative. In addition, national tax policies are changing at an accelerating rate as governments try and repair national budgets damaged by Covid-19, use tax as a trade weapon, or capture the revenues from digital businesses.
Our approach
In this fast-changing environment, we believe in a risk-averse, long-term and sustainable approach to developing corporate structures, rather than being forced to respond to each new piece of legislation or the outcome of tax cases.
Our global team is tracking local tax issues in advance, including disruptive tax events such as Brexit. This international presence makes us ideally placed to serve both larger corporations and privately owned businesses undergoing their first international expansion. In addition, we support international groups to resolve their tax issues triggered by the OECD BEPS initiative and the EU-Anti Tax Avoidance Directive (ATAD).
We also offer advice on tax-efficient structures during cross-border acquisitions and disposals, and strategic assistance during international tax field audits.
Our services
We offer:
• Strategic advice on tax-efficient yet appropriate and sustainable corporate structures;
• Advice tailored to sectors with specific topics;
• Tax risk assessment and mitigation;
• Outsourced assistance on filing;
• Tax advice in tax field audits including joint tax audits and the OECD's International Compliance Assurance Program (ICAP)
• Assistance at tax courts;
• Cloud-based tools such including our unique DAC6 reporting system.
If you would like support with international strategies or to ensure you are compliant in multi-jurisdictions, please get in touch today.
Get in touch
If you would like support with international strategies or to ensure you are compliant in multi-jurisdictions, please get in touch today.
National contacts