Financial Services news

The latest news from the financial services industry

PSD2 – what does it mean for you?

PSD2, the Payment Services Directive 2, came into force on 13 January 2018. What is it and together with Open Banking how will it change the payments landscape for corporate and retail banks…

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Recent Banking Podcasts

Greg Simpson, Head of Banking UK at Mazars, sits downs with various banking experts from around the practice to discuss upcoming issues for overseas and challenger banks in areas such as accounting, finance and regulatory topics on the corporate agenda. Also discussed in these podcasts are what steps banks need to take to ensure that requirements are being met and what are the common issues banks face when implementing these changes.

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FPC’s Announcement on the Countercyclical Capital Buffer – effective 27 June 2017

The Financial Policy Committee (FPC) has raised the UK Countercyclical Capital Buffer (CCyB) rate from 0% to 0.5% with binding effect from 27 June 2018 and signalled that it expects to increase the rate again to 1% at its November meeting.

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Navigating Brexit - Tax implications for the insurance industry

There is no doubt that the insurance industry will see many tax implications arising from Brexit negotiations. Whilst there is no guarantee that all of these will be positive, it is wise to be aware of what they are. Our knowledgeable experts can guide you through any uncertainty and decode any confusion.

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Navigating Brexit - Contingency plans for the insurance industry

With so much uncertainty surrounding future jurisdiction within the insurance industry in the face of Brexit, it is difficult to know what are the best next steps to take. To learn more about passporting rights and how it can work for you, our experts are on hand to advise and help you navigate through with the support you need.

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Brexit Briefing - Starting a business in Belgium

Starting afresh in a new country, such as Belgium, is always difficult but this is compounded when starting a new business. Decoding the legal and regulatory issues can sometimes deter you from taking the leap, but our experts can help you navigate your way.

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Brexit Briefing - Investing in Belgium

There are many factors contributing to whether a move to Belgium is right for you, and trying to decipher these can be confusing. Mazars has a series of experts on hand to help and advise you on what criteria you will possibly need and how to overcome possible challenges.

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[Insurance] Dealing with a market turning event in the general insurance sector

The general insurance and reinsurance sector has enjoyed benign losses and excess capital for a considerable number of years, driving the sector towards a soft market.
Consequently, current capital management levels are also a reflection of this soft cycle which in turn drives business plans and business decisions.

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[Insurance] The new Brexit reality

In the early hours of this morning it became clear that the British people had voted to leave the EU. The implications of that decision are already being felt in the financial markets and all businesses operating in the financial services industry need to evaluate the implications of the decision on their business and future strategy. Perhaps more urgently, as the shockwaves of the decision are being felt across UK and EU financial markets, the impact on capital and liquidity needs to be quickly addressed.

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[Insurance] A new challenge for insurers

How to address the PRA concerns regarding industry reserving and pricing trends

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