Our values & culture

Our values are set out on the firm’s website, they guide the firm and its people in daily actions, providing a common base of values that all our partners and teams share and respect. Further information regarding our values is detailed in our Charter, individually signed by each partner.


Ethical and moral rigor guide how we work and assist our clients.


We treat our clients’ challenges as our own and we care about how our work may affect our communities.

Diversity and respect for individuals

Beyond borders and cultural differences, we make respect for the individuals and sharing the cornerstone of all human relations. United in diversity, we see our capacity to listen and our open-mindedness as a true lever for innovation.

Technical Excellence

Technical excellence is one of the founding principles applied at every level in the Group. This constant search for the highest standards of quality not only serves client satisfaction, business lines improvement and staff development: it is also the best guarantee of our independence.


We always think independently, and in our roles as auditors and advisors we always act independently.


As new faces come and go, as one generation hands over to another, our relationships, experience and knowledge survive. We learn from the past, but look to the future.

Principles of our commitment

The principles of our commitment are in direct reference of our six core values. These are the ones that reflect our vision and our culture.

In 2011, we launched, complementing the basis of its values, a project to specify its brand attributes. This led to the definition of main principles and a key idea that are both translated into how we describe our uniqueness, vision and beliefs. 

Who are we?
Independent-minded professionals who are eager to serve economic and social development, locally and globally.

Whom do we serve?
The business community as a whole: global and large corporates, listed or not, small and medium enterprises, public sector entities and individuals.

For which benefits?
As advisors and auditors, we foster state-of-the-art accountability, efficient and agile structures and organizations, enhanced performance and creation of long-term value.

How do we differentiate ourselves?
We provide innovative, tailored and global solutions to our clients in a market that is too conservative and either too fragmented (for SMEs) or too concentrated (for large corporates).

How do we deliver?
Combining the reliability of methodologies inspired from the most advanced auditing and advisory techniques with our capacity to co-construct and think « out of the box » and with intrinsic sense of personal responsibility and responsiveness.

How are we organized?
As a global partnership: people centric, participative, transparent and multidisciplinary with expertise backed by experience.

What are our fundamentals?

  • Entrepreneurship and team spirit
  • Long-term vision and flexibility
  • Enthusiasm and robustness

What is our driving force?
Passion to build and pass the baton to the future generations.

What we believe in?
A multipolar world prospering from diversity (cultural, intellectual, professional…).

What do we like?

  • Common sense rather than pre-established models.
  • Openness rather than the beaten track.


We strongly believe in equality for all, regardless of age, disability, gender identity, race, religion & belief or sexuality, and that compliance with all legislation dealing with discrimination on the basis of these qualities is vital. However, our desire and commitment to addressing this agenda - combating discrimination, promoting equal opportunity, valuing diversity and managing inclusion, is driven not by legislation, but by our understanding of its essential importance to providing high calibre services in a personal, principled and professional way, which make a difference to our clients, our teams and our communities.

Our culture

The more we grow as individuals, the more the firm grows.

Our firm has thrived because of the quality of our individuals - the work we do makes a long-term difference to our clients’ successes and goals.

Our rich culture has evolved from firms that have come together. After a century-long experience as Neville Russell, we joined forces with the French firm Mazars & Guerard in 1998.

Nowadays with a global network of offices, we continue to encourage our people to express themselves openly – to add their individual talents and opinions to our mosaic.

We all work within a culture of high support and high challenge. We are not afraid to take on new and greater responsibilities. But we do this through encouragement – not pressure and competition.