Accounting Advisory Services

Companies face the ongoing, and ever-increasing, challenge of keeping up to date with the understanding, interpretation and implementation of new accounting requirements under UK GAAP and IFRS, as issued by the UK and international accounting standards bodies. However, accounting and financial reporting has become much more than just about compliance; it’s about transparency, being cohesive and striking the appropriate balance between being informative yet concise, whilst also ensuring that the requirements have been appropriately applied.

Whether you are reporting under UK GAAP (including FRS 101 Reduced Disclosure Framework or FRS 102 The Financial Reporting Standard Applicable in the UK and Republic of Ireland) or International Financial Reporting Standards (“IFRS”), the significant experience of our Accounting Advisory Services team covers a range of industry sectors across a wide spectrum of clients, including fully listed companies, AIM quoted companies, companies preparing for a flotation, UK subsidiaries of listed companies and large and medium-sized owner-managed businesses.

How we can support you 

We provide accounting advice to help support you with understanding the complexities of the accounting requirements. Some of the mains areas in which we can support you include: 

  • GAAP conversions, including framework impact assessments and transition support to/from IFRS, UK GAAP and US GAAP;
  • Technical advisory and opinion papers on complex matters, including mergers and acquisitions, financing structures and capital reductions; 
  • Financial statements preparation, including floatation support;
  • Financial statements disclosure and compliance reviews;
  • Accounting policy manual reviews and compliance updates;
  • Bespoke training and technical updates on new and amended standards and forthcoming developments for your company; 
  • Application and full implementation support of new accounting standards, including: 
  • Financial instruments accounting, including transition support, expected credit loss modelling, disclosure support and contract reviews under IFRS 9 Financial Instruments
  • Revenue recognition accounting, including contract modifications and contract reviews under IFRS 15 Revenue from Contracts with Customers;
  • Lease accounting, including scoping reviews and contracts analyses under IFRS 16 Leases;
  • Insurance accounting, including impact assessments and implementation support under IFRS 17 Insurance Contracts; and
  • Infrastructure accounting under IFRIC 12 Service Concession Arrangements;

Contact us

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Client testiminonials

Aviva Investors Global Services Limited

We engaged Mazars on two recent projects to provide technical accounting support for proposed group reorganisations of certain investee companies ahead of raising of capital. Mazars provided technical accounting papers under FRS 102 and Companies Act 2006, to support our proposed step‐plans, in addition to preparing the relevant accounting entries.

Separately, we engaged Mazars to provide technical accounting advice on the classification, recognition and measurement of certain convertible debt instruments that we were considering entering into. Mazars worked with us as part of a wider project team, liaising with our other external advisor, and advised us on the required accounting treatment for the instruments.

The Mazars team were invaluable throughout the process. Responding and mobilizing at short notice over a busy festive period. They understood the needs and fully engaged in the process to disseminate the steps and requirements in a clear, understandable and readily accessible way showing flexibility and partnership qualities to achieve our aims. Patient, available and capable. Highly recommended.

easyJet Plc

We engaged the Mazars Accounting Advisory Services team to provide technical accounting advice to support the Director of Reporting & Financial Control via a secondment contract, to temporarily cover the post of Group Senior Finance Manager - Technical Accounting.

We received excellent technical assistance on various key topics ahead of the Audit Committee and the year-end, including preparing draft technical accounting papers on those topics.  In addition, we were provided with strong input into the impairment review process, as well as daily support to the wider easyJet finance teams on technical accounting matters.

I am very grateful for the way the team members quickly integrated into the wider easyJet finance team to ensure the completion of the required tasks. Should our circumstances change, and we run into any resourcing issues, I will not hesitate to get in touch with Mazars again.

Hill Robinson Group Limited

Mazars provided technical accounting support in respect of two group reorganisations undertaken by the group in recent years. Mazars produced technical accounting reports based on our proposed step plans and target corporate structures. The reports set out the accounting and legislative requirements for each step and highlighted areas where accounting policy choices were available to us, or where judgement or alternative routes needed to be considered.

With growth in size and geographical reach of our organisation, and streamlining of the corporate structure, our group finance team was required to deliver a rigorous accounting consolidation with consistent policies across jurisdictions.  This complex task was supported by the Mazars’ Accounting Advisory Services team, who have provided authoritative and clearly explained technical advice, often under significant pressure of time. 

Mazars’ expertise, responsiveness and professionalism have been greatly valued by our finance team and by the Board.

Philippine National Bank (Europe) Plc

We have engaged Mazars for a number of years to assist us in preparing our financial statements under FRS 102 for banks, which includes preparing the financial instruments and risk management disclosures. We have also used Mazars as a sounding board on technical areas including new narrative reporting requirements.

It has been a pleasure working with the Accounting Advisory Services team of Mazars. The team are very professional and competent in terms of the preparation of our financial statements and providing technical advice and assistance as and when requested on relevant issues including new regulatory disclosure requirements.

We will definitely recommend their services to other institutions with similar requirements.

Osborne Group Holdings Limited

Mazars have recently provided us with various pieces of accounting support regarding our group reorganisation. They provided technical papers on profits available for distribution at the relevant company level, along with technical accounting papers on the step plan itself. They also assisted with embedding this into our consolidated financial statements and providing illustrative disclosures to include in the accounts.

We have been very pleased with the quality of work delivered by the Accounting Advisory Services team. We value and trust the team to deliver the technical advice promptly with high level of technical expertise.

The team always gave us support with any queries or issues related to the work provided.

Inspired Plc

We have engaged Mazars several times to provide accounting advice for our group of companies under IFRS. Mazars produced accounting advice in areas such as transfers of trade, company liquidations, accounting for non-controlling interests and options over non-controlling interests, and accounting for a complex arrangement on disposal of a subsidiary.

We find the Mazars team to be approachable, responsive and knowledgeable. Their collaborative approach has helped us efficiently navigate some of the more technically challenging accounting areas and we consider them to be a trusted source of advice when our finance team requires an extra level of support for complex transactions.

Berry Palmer Lyle Limited

Mazars provide accounting support services in respect of assisting us with the preparation of our consolidated financial statements. The consolidation includes a number of UK and oversea subsidiaries, and includes complex areas such as share-based payments and EBTs.

Mazars also provided a report to assist management in assessing profits available for distribution. This highlighted the key legislative and accounting requirements for us to consider when calculating adjustments required to reserves for this purpose.

The quality of service provided by the Accounting Advisory Services team is always very high. What makes the team stand out from others is their pragmatism and approachable nature. We are able to ask “what if?” questions of them with responses readily forthcoming, and they are also very patient and competent at explaining complex concepts whenever we seek to have explained to us matters of confusion! Communication is good and required changes to disclosure well notified in advanced which helps with our own planning. 

Coverys UK Holding Co. Limited

We engaged Mazars to provide accounting support services in respect of assisting us with the preparation of our consolidated financial statements under FRS 102, which includes a number of UK and overseas subsidiaries.

The team also advised us on the formats and disclosures required for insurance companies, and drafted the first-time insurance disclosures for inclusion in the financial statements.

The service provided by Mazars exceeded our expectations. Timelines were consistently met on their end, and their efficient and pragmatic approach helped this project be a success. Their understanding of our Group was evident right from the start, which is not always a given when engaging professional service firms for specific projects like this.

Apex Group

We collaborated with Mazars to assist the Head of Finance in providing accounting support. Mazars prepared consolidated financial statements under IFRS as part of the audit process for Apex Group, which provides services into 50 jurisdictions.

Mazars liaised with the auditors to ensure we met our disclosure requirements and drafted policies and disclosures for hedge accounting under IFRS 9. Mazars also helped to compile the notes throughout the financial statements process.

Mazars delivered high-quality support. Through their proactive approach, they delivered the requirements with efficiency and accuracy throughout the whole process. Having their technical team on hand to advise on matters such as hedge accounting was also useful, given first year adoption. 

Overall, our experience working with the team was that they were highly supportive and they always exercised due diligence, culminating in a successful outcome. Thank you!

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