Equity reward

Attracting, retaining and motivating staff is an increasingly complex challenge for many businesses.

Share schemes and equity rewards can offer a great solution. Our team can help you identify and design the right plan for your business needs, and then implement that plan, including focusing on the key aspect of employee communications.  

Our services 

We advise on HM Revenue & Customs (HMRC) tax-advantaged plans including: 

  • Enterprise Management Incentives (EMI) 
  • Company Share Option Plans (CSOP) 
  • Share Incentive Plans (SIP)
  • Save As You Earn schemes (SAYE) 

We also work with businesses to review overseas equity plans for UK use, and to develop bespoke equity incentives to meet specific needs, including: 

  • Restricted share purchase 
  • Growth/Flowering shares 
  • Non-tax advantaged option plans 
  • Long Term Incentive Plans (LTIP) 
  • Nil-paid shares 
  • Employee Ownership Trusts (EOT) 
  • Employee Benefit Trusts (EBT) 
  • Joint Share Ownership Plans (JSOP) 

As part of our services above, or separately, we work with stakeholders to provide share valuations for tax purposes that can be used as part of a tax advantaged plan, or to fulfil obligations in respect of HMRC - such as “best estimates” for PAYE purposes or confirming the amount of self-assessment income tax to pay. 

Our experienced team provide annual support to businesses to fulfil their Employment Related Securities (ERS) reporting obligations. We provide advice on and complete annual returns for tax advantaged plans and the ERS “Other” return, which covers any other reportable equity movement. 

We also provide transactional support in relation to employee incentives, including pre-sale health checks of existing incentive arrangements, due diligence exercises, the exercise of shares options on a sale and the disposal of ERS. 

“Very few top companies reward their staff through salary alone. To attract the best talent, you need the right mix of tax efficient share incentives, bonuses and other benefits." Amy Reynolds, Partner. 

Get in touch 

If you require support or further information with your equity reward strategy, please get in touch today. 

Get in touch 

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