International private client tax

For those with interests in multiple jurisdictions, different international obligations, regulations and procedures can be daunting. Tax-efficient investments or vehicles and structures such as Trusts are often not recognised in other countries. Similarly, while it might be advisable to structure your affairs in a certain way for UK tax purposes, this could cause unforeseen problems in other jurisdictions.

As a fully integrated international network, we work holistically as a global team to advise individuals with multijurisdictional issues, carefully considering the best way to protect a client's wealth and comply with local regulations. Supported by this international network, clients can feel assured that the advice given is indicative of a global mindset.

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Our services

  • Advice on tax domicile and long-term tax residency
  • Double Tax Treaties and Relief from Double Taxation
  • Advice on becoming or ceasing to be a UK resident
  • Non-resident landlords and real estate investment
  • Investing in the UK
  • Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act (FATCA) and Common Reporting Standards (CRS) obligations
  • Immigration advice for HNWIs
  • Advice to non-resident trusts, foundations, co-ownership structures and beneficiaries

Our expertise

We utilise our Private Client knowledge across 100 countries to carefully consider the best way to manage a client’s global assets. For those who have assets in the UK, we also work with our financial planning and investment teams to create a wealth plan that makes use of all tax-efficient allowances and reliefs available.

Get in touch

If you would like to know more about our international private client services, please get in touch today. 

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