Transparency report archive

An archive of our Transparency Reports.

Mazars UK Transparency Report 2018-2019

Audit has been at the heart of Mazars since inception, and it remains a driving force for the firm both in the UK and globally. Please download our 2018-2019 Transparency Report.

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Mazars UK Transparency Report 2016-2017

We are pleased to present the 2016-2017 Transparency Report for Mazars in the UK.

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Mazars UK Transparency Report 2015-2016

We are pleased to present the 2015-2016 Transparency Report for Mazars in the UK.

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Mazars UK Transparency Report 2014-15

We are pleased to present the 2014-15 transparency report for Mazars in the United Kingdom.

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Mazars UK Transparency Report 2013-2014

We are pleased to present the 2013-14 transparency report for Mazars in the United Kingdom.

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Mazars UK Transparency Report 2012-13

We are pleased to present the 2012-13 transparency report for Mazars in the United Kingdom.

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Mazars UK Transparency Report 2011-12

We are pleased to introduce the 2011-2012 transparency report for Mazars in the United Kingdom.

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