
We understand the complex rules involved in grant funding - we are specialists at providing grant funding assurance including all forms of European funding assurance.

European and UK grant funding

There remains opportunities to secure grants from the European Union and the UK Government. There is huge demand for this funding and extensive rules and regulations apply. Are you confident that you are applying to the right bodies and that you have the systems in place to ensure compliance, if successful, or already running a project?

Failure to comply

Failure to comply with funding requirements can lead to a demand for partial or full repayment of the grant received and may even result in penalties.

In our experience, the most common failing is a lack of understanding of contract terms or of funders’ requirements and a failure to set up systems to ensure compliance. This is particularly the case with European Union funding where the interpretation of the regulations evolves over time.

Our experience

We has extensive experience in advising private and public sector organisations on putting systems in place to ensure compliance with the requirements of the various grant funders.

Across Europe, we have several large framework contracts to provide support for the European Commission and have provided audit support directly to the European Commission’s own audit teams which has helped us to gain a unique insight into their interpretation of the regulations.

How we can help you

We can assist you in putting in place robust controls and information systems capable of ensuring compliance with grant conditions and regulations.

We can provide you with a pre-assurance service at an early stage in the project to advise you on compliance matters and to ensure that any potential areas which could lead to claw back of funding are resolved promptly.

We can provide you with an experienced and cost-effective grant certification service. We do so already for a large number of UK and EU funded projects.

Contact us

We have a dedicated team for this growing area of work and we would be delighted to meet with you, without charge, to discuss how you can benefit from our experience.

Contact us today
