Xero drop-in sessions for GP practices

12/04/2022. Watch our Xero drop-in sessions. Running a practice can be demanding, sometimes unpredictable, as well as time-consuming. Xero cloud accounting software provides many benefits such as accessibility to financial data almost anywhere, elimination (or reduction) of paper, readiness for Making Tax Digital, and with correct set-up save you time by automating repeat entries.

Whether you're brand new to Xero or have some prior knowledge of the software but would like to enhance it, our latest Xero sessions held in early May were designed to help you develop your skills further and give you back some of that much needed time to focus on other practice needs and priorities.

The recordings for both sessions can be found below:

Xero introductory session

Date: Tuesday 3 May 2022
Time: 10:30 - 11:45 am 

If you're new to cloud accounting technology, our free introductory session is designed to show you how you can reap the benefits from Xero.

During the session our client advisor, Kelsey Martin takes you through an introductory session covering:

  • Bank Feeds
  • Bank Rules
  • User Options
  • File Library



Xero masterclass session

Our Xero drop-in masterclass session will you help enhance your skills and maximise your Xero software so that you can continue to focus on the important needs and priorities of your practice. 

During our masterclass, our healthcare client manager, Lee Simmonett, runs through the following:

  • Invoices
  • Repeat Invoices re NHS Statements
  • Bills from Email
  • Attaching Paperwork to Invoices/Bills



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