Education Funding Assurance

We understand the complex rules associated with funding and compliance within the education and training sector.
We have a specialist team whom have a wide range of experience in the sector; from being part of funding audit teams for the ESFA/predecessor organisations to working with MIS/Compliance Teams preparing for/subject to funding audits as well as conducting funding audits/assurance reviews across providers alongside training and other advisory services.

How we can help you

We can provide you with assurance services and advise on compliance matters to ensure that any potential areas leading to clawback of funding are resolved promptly.

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We support our clients with

Mock Funding Assurance Reviews

To provide you with the most realistic experience, our mock funding assurance reviews are carried out in line with the approach taken with our ESFA and MCA audits. Our testing will cover the critical factors currently in scope within the ESFA’s or MCA’s assurance framework. Where applicable, we will sample and test from the following areas:

Provider Data Self Assessment Toolkit (PDSAT)

The PDSAT is arguably one of the most powerful and crucial tools available to providers for ensuring data accuracy and compliance. Our assurance reviews often identify funding errors within PDSAT reports due to a number of reasons, most commonly: failing to understand the logic of the report and therefore why learners are appearing in them; not reviewing them on a timely basis and misinterpretation of funding rules.

We can provide you with a complete sample assurance review of your PDSAT reports, identifying potential funding and data errors, and associated financial values.

We can also provide you and your team with in-depth training on PDSATs using your live data. You’ll get an insight into how we as auditors select samples and what we look for.

Subcontracting Controls

Where a provider subcontracts £100k or more of apprenticeship, AEB, ESF or 16 to 19 funding combined, within any funding year, the provider must engage the services of a reporting accountant to obtain a report.

We are highly experienced in delivering subcontracting controls assurance reviews which covers all elements of the ESFA’s subcontracting standard, in addition to MCA subcontracting requirements.

Our detailed report provides a complete and comprehensive analysis of your subcontracting arrangements, identifying areas of improvement where necessary.

Bespoke and Targeted Assurance Services

Do you have specific areas of your funding claim you’d like assurance over?

Would you or your team benefit from audit and compliance training?

How do you ensure you’ve interpreted and understood the funding rules correctly?

Are you aware of weaknesses within your processes which could result in non-compliance and data issues?

Do you fully understand your ILR data collection requirements, what to record, and how to record it?

We are experts in all areas of funding assurance and can provide bespoke assurance services – everything from a question to a full complete audit.

Breach Letter or Investigation

As a Provider should you receive a letter from the ESFA or MCA that you have breached your contract with them or there has been an allegation made regarding your organisation, we can work with you and address and comply with any matters raised. Often these require agreement of the identified firm and scope of work with the ESFA or MCA and we have conducted several such reviews. As such we have proven skills, experience and background to undertake these complex reviews.

Our experience

Our highly knowledgeable and dedicated team have over 30 y

We also conduct funding assurance audits and related services for the Greater London Authorityears of experience within the education and training sector, headed up by a former ESFA auditor.

Throughout England, we provide funding assurance services to colleges, universities, independent training providers, employer providers, local councils, schools and academies. Our diverse client base and offering allows us to provide a unique insight into the challenges faced by the sector as a whole.

ESFA and MCA funding

We are one of the approved audit firms on the Education and Skills Funding Agency (ESFA) PMO Framework conducting funding audits on their behalf.  as well as other mayoral combined authorities (MCA) including Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Combined Authority (CPCA) and the West of England Combined Authority (WECA).

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