Building a robust crisis management capability

In these challenging times, as high impact low probability (black swan) events become more prevalent, it is essential that robust crisis management and business continuity strategies are in place, and that organisations within the public and social sector can demonstrate how they will protect the community they serve should it be affected.

Our turbulent world

The last few years have reinforced this position with an unprecedented number of disruptive events such as the coronavirus pandemic, Brexit, US Immigration policy, and fuel and supply chain disruptions to name a few.

Throughout the recent pandemic the NHS, and other front-line service providers have risen to constantly evolving challenges to keep services running for the public. But it’s clear that such events will continue to arise. For example, sudden and unexpected social changes, fluctuations in the UK economy, supply-chain disruption caused by overseas events, government policy, and new frameworks for social housing providers to name a few. These disruptive events will continue to test even established crisis management contingency strategies

Moreover, these events have changed how we work, accelerating digital enablement and e-commerce and introducing new challenges and vulnerabilities. In addition, the increasing focus on environmental, social and governance (ESG) and the sustainable development goals (SDGs) have added to the scope when thinking about crisis management and continuity.

The value of a programmatic approach

The scale and impact of a crisis or major disruption may be predicated by the preparation you have undergone prior to any given event. By investing time and resources in a comprehensive Crisis Management programme you not only reduce your risk exposure and enhance the trust your stakeholders have, but you will also benefit from more effective and responsible business operations during business as usual. 

Embedding our industry-aligned Crisis Management Framework within your organisation will move you on the journey from a reactive CM capability to a mature and proactive position.

Crisis management video series

In this four-part video series, our crisis management team provide insights into how to respond to unforeseen disruptive or catastrophic events that have a negative impact on your organisation's finances, people and service provision.

In each episode, our crisis management planning experts will discuss:

  • Crisis management planning
  • During a crisis
  • Post-crisis lessons
  • Communications planning

Episode 1: Crisis management planning

Unimpeded a crisis can generate reputational damage, loss of revenue, negative press, confusion, and lack of confidence in an organisation both internally and externally.

To overcome this requires having an effective crisis management plan in place.

Watch Dan Breger, Associate Director, discuss effective crisis management planning.

Episode 2:  During a crisis

Responding quickly and effectively to a crisis with the right team in place, will improve how successfully your organisation navigates a crisis and protects both your people and manage the media narrative.

Watch Dan Breger, Associate Director, discuss how to navigate a real-time crisis.

Episode 3: Post-crisis lessons

Analysing the success of your crisis management strategy roll-out, and evaluating if and where, it could have been improved is a natural part of the post-crisis review.

Watch Dan Breger, Associate Director, discuss how to create a post-crisis action plan.

Episode 4:  Communications planning

Building a crisis communications plan is an essential component of having a roadmap out of a crisis.

Watch Merel Jansen, Senior Consultant, discuss how to develop a crisis management communication plan.

How we can help

We believe doing crisis management and business continuity is a conscious choice, one that reduces risk across your organisation and adds value to your community. As a public or social sector organisation, we understand the need to operate responsibly and continue to deliver services during a disruptive event or period. Our approach will help you to achieve this goal rather than create a policy document with supporting shelfware.

Whether you have plans in place but lack the assurance they are fit-for-purpose or want to move your organisation beyond plans to a rounded and embedded capability to deal with disruptive events, there are a number of ways we can help:

  • Health-check of your existing crisis management system
  • Review your approach to emerging risks
  • Audit of your plans, testing, and exercising activities
  • Leadership and Senior Management briefings
  • Crisis Communications Strategy and Media Training 
  • Desktop exercising and real-time simulations, focusing on specific and relevant scenarios from Ransomware attacks through to humanitarian disasters
  • Cloud-based hybrid Crisis Control Centre (hC3) which allows decision-makers (Gold & Silver teams) to collaborate remotely in a crisis
  • ISO 22361 aligned crisis management framework development as a benchmark for good practice, or as part of a certification journey


Dan Breger

Why planning ahead is critical

You can't outrun natural disasters or unplanned disruptive events, but you can build your organisation around an ethos of mutual responsibility and resilience to weather these disruptions.

Dan Breger Associate Director - Head of Resilience

Our approach will ensure your Crisis Management capability is inculcated across your organisation and facilitates a culture of continuous improvement, leaving you with a mature and proactive CM capability.

Get in touch

We tailor public and social sector services to your organisational needs. If you would like to discuss crisis management with a member of our team, please click the button below:

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