Xero for GP practices - FAQ

Following the success of our recent XERO Masterclasses we would like to share the most frequently asked questions relating to Xero together with our solutions.

Using Xero to manage your GP Practice’s finances can save you time across a number of areas, from repeat entries to the collation of year-end accounts. From our extensive experience on working with GP Practices using Xero we have put together a collection of frequently asked questions and how to overcome them below.

1. Is there a limit to the number of users on Xero?

a. No, you can have as many users as required.

2. How do I add a new Xero user?

a. Adding a new user is done via the Xero organisation settings section and then going into the user then simply clicking “add new user”.

3. How often do I need to renew my bank feeds?

a. Banks feeds need to be renewed every 90 days; this is to provide an extra layer of security.

4. How do I renew my bank feed?

a. When the bank feed has expired, this can be renewed by clicking the “renew bank feeds” button which will show at the bottom of the bank account. If this does not show up, then this can also be done by selecting the 3 dots on the top right corner of the bank and then selecting “refresh bank feed”.

5. How do I add a new code?

a. To add a new code, select “accounting” along the top - this will then open up a drop-down menu. From here please select “chart of accounts” and this will then open the current codes on your xero organisation and then simply click the “add new code” button.

6. Is there a version of Xero specifically for GP practices?

a. No, but our Xero healthcare team can assist in setting this up specifically tailored to your needs.

7. Does Xero have the facility to produce monthly management reports?

a. Yes, but these are fairly limited in detail. It is possible to create tailored reports depending on your requirements.

8. Can you upload paperwork to Xero?

a. Yes, there are a couple of ways to do this. You can email directly into Xero, this is then stored within the file library, or you can drag and drop a file into a Xero transaction.

9. How do I login to Xero?

a. Xero is a web page and can be logged into on the following internet browsers:

   i. Microsoft edge

   ii. Google chrome

   iii. Firefox

b. Log in to Xero Accounting Software | Xero UK

Get in touch

If you would like to discuss how XERO can help you or want to develop your use of XERO further, please contact us via the form below.

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