Financial reporting of European banks: benchmark study 2024

Is the perceived reduction in risk among European banks an early sign of sector-wide optimism? In 2023, we faced a global economic slowdown, persistent geopolitical tensions, and rapid technological advancements. Analysing the year-end results of Europe’s 26 largest banks, what insights can we gain about expected credit losses and the strategies these institutions implement to manage ongoing uncertainties in the banking sector?

We have examined the 2023 year-end reports of 26 banks across 12 European countries to assess the impact of financial turbulence and ongoing geopolitical crises on their Expected Credit Losses. This study marks the eighth in the series, continuing previous editions of the report which first launched in 2020.

Expected Credit Losses

Our report largely focuses on the ECL-related impacts, with key insights on:

  • ECL charge impact of Year End 2023 on the profit or loss and ECL allowances
  • ECL allowances: changes in coverage ratios and allocation between stages
  • Post-model adjustments and overlays
  • Forward-looking information


Financial reporting of European banks- benchmark study 2024

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