Energy and Utilities Projects

With a strong portfolio of clients in this sector – from successful niche players to large international companies – we have the experience and expertise to help.

Some of our recent client projects have included:

  • acting as reporting accountants to Stellar Diamonds Plc (formerly West African Diamonds Plc) on its £10.4m acquisition of Stellar Diamonds Limited, the £5.0m placing and its re-admission to trading on AIM
  • acting as corporate tax advisers Cove Energy Plc on its acquisitions of oil and gas exploration and production assets in Mozambique and Tanzania
  • acting as reporting accountants to Vatukoula Gold Mines Plc on its £29.6m acquisition of the Vatukoula gold mine in Fiji, the £4.7m placing and re-admission to AIM
  • acting as reporting accountants to Lotus Resources Plc on its admission to trading on PLUS
  • acting as reporting accountants to Medusa Mining Limited on its admission to trading on AIM
  • acting as reporting accountants to Condor Resources Plc on its £4.1m placing and its admission to trading on AIM
  • acting as reporting accountants to Kalahari Minerals Plc on its £6.0m placing and its admission to trading on AIM
  • acting as reporting accountants to Penton International Plc on its £13.0m placing and its admission to trading on PLUS
  • acting as reporting accountants to Neptune Minerals Plc on its £9.3m placing and its admission to trading on AIM

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If you would like to contact our team, please use this contact form or use the link below to submit Request For Proposal documents

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