The Good Bank- A global Conversation

Mazars Group together with the newspaper “El Economista” has organized a 5 month programme that will analyse how to turn a socially compromised bank into a successful bank and which factors can make it a “Good Bank” through a series of debates with a panel of experts.

The banking world is drastically changing as a result of the global financial crisis and the gradually increasing regulatory pressure. The question we need to ask ourselves now is: What would a Good Bank be like?

Focusing on three concepts: Effective Bank, Trustworthy Bank and Innovative Bank, this programme will analyse how to turn a socially compromised bank into a successful business too. Social compromise and profitability are key factors and therefore we must not forget the role that regulatory environments, tolerance to risk and economic growth play in the banking sector. Our experts, jointly with the experts of the newspaper “El Economista” and representatives of Credit Suisse and SAP will study these issues through a series of articles and debates.

Please visit the online forum The Good Bank to know more.


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