Tax News

Mazars tax news covers everything tax related in the UK from, VAT to the latest HMRC rulings.

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Let's Talk Tax

New residence rules bring new pitfalls

The long-awaited statutory residence test (SRT) is now effectively in place, even though it won’t be formally passed into law until the Finance Bill is passed, there are unlikely to be significant further changes. We have devoted a lot of coverage to the new residence tests, in our commentary on the 2013 budget and as the test has made its lengthy way from original proposal to almost-final legislation.
Therefore this article focuses on the changes that are likely to cause particular problems.

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Monthly Tax Idea - April 2013

Patent box – are you benefiting from the tax savings?

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VAT & Pension Funds - ECJ rules in favour of HMRC

On 7 March 2013 the much anticipated judgement of the European Court of Justice ("ECJ") in the case of Wheels Common Investment Fund Trustees Ltd v HMRC was released.

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Monthly Tax Idea - February 2013

Owners of high value residential property should urgently review their position

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HMRC’s “last chance” applies to ALL Swiss account holders

On 17 December HMRC wrote to holders of Swiss bank accounts and other assets telling them to “pay any tax due, or face investigation” when the new Swiss Agreement comes into force on 1 January 2013. But it is not only people who may have tax to pay who are affected by the Swiss Agreement.

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High income child benefit charge factsheet

Get the key facts about the new high income child benefit charges, explaining what it means and what your options are.

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Opportunity to reclaim tax on foreign dividends received

Don't miss the opportunity for companies that have paid tax on foreign dividends received to claim back from HMRC.

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Mazars’ Tax Predictions for the Chancellor's Autumn Statement Dec 5th 2012

How will the Chancellor plug the gap between tax revenues and government expenditure? What impact will likely changes have on the public mood and the economy? Read Mazars’ tax experts predictions and opinions.

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