Mazars Global Media Barometer: GDPR and e-Privacy

Mazars annual barometer provides an overview of the trends and challenges impacting the media sector, based on risk factors disclosed in the annual reports of the 100 largest publicly-listed media companies in Europe and North America.


Mazars latest Global Media Baromoter identifies GDPR and e-Privacy as major concerns for media companies.Why a barometer that focuses on GDPR and e-Privacy?

Over the past 20 years digitalisation has significantly disrupted the media industry, requiring organisations to reinvent their business models and rely more on making use of and monetising personal data.

Complying with new European Regulations, specifically e-Privacy Regulation Project and the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), will present a challenge for many organisations operating within the industry.

Mazars Global Media Barometer outlines these challenges in detail and offers a practical guide in preparation for adopting the new regulations.


Discover more by downloading our study here.


GDPR and ePrivacy

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