Mazars in the UK Financial Results 2021

Throughout 2021 one common thread has remained unbroken across our firm: the resilience and adaptability of our people.

Despite multiple lockdowns, remote working and any number of personal and caring challenges, our teams have provided outstanding positive support for our clients in these challenging times. The tangible results of that focus and dedication can be seen in this annual report. Across service lines, we have recorded another year of excellent performance. Revenue grew by 14% - we have now achieved over decade’s worth of consecutive year-on-year revenue growth – and profit available for members increased by 40%.

In 2021 we launched and started to implement our four-year strategy. The ‘One24’ plan is part of our global strategy and clearly sets out how we intend to achieve our core purpose: building the economic foundations of a fair and prosperous world. Central to that strategy is quality without compromise, which remains a key focus across the whole firm.

This year we have continued to make progress on inclusion, diversity and culture, which are key pillars of our identity. Regular and open dialogue with our diversity networks, supported by further growth of our Inclusion, Diversity and Wellbeing team, has underpinned our work to build the team of the future and create a supportive environment where our people can bring with whole selves to work. A strong and consistent culture across the firm has been a critical factor in attracting our largest ever intake of trainees, with 323 joining in September 2021. The firm as a whole has grown significantly, as we have welcomed 21 new partners and our total number of employees grew by 7%.

We are pleased to have achieved strong financial performance while significantly reducing our environmental impact in 2021. Remote working has naturally led to a radical reduction in business travel, printing and energy use in our offices. While we expect a correction as we return to more normal circumstances, the last year has shown us what is possible and, as we implement hybrid working practices, we will not be returning to the status quo: our progress towards our sustainability goal is ongoing.


Phil Verity

UK Senior Partner


Mazars consolidated Financial Statements 2021

Key Contact