Mazars in the UK Financial Results 2020

In a year impacted by a global pandemic and unprecedented changes to the way we live and work, we are pleased to report that Mazars has demonstrated resilience and strong financial performance.

Despite an August year-end, encompassing the full extent of the Government’s primary lockdown measures, the firm grew revenue by £5.7m (3%), passing the £200m threshold for the first time. We ended the year having strengthened our balance sheet and reduced net borrowings by £13m.

However, this year was not about financial performance. The year was dominated by an overriding priority for the firm which was to support the team.

We are proud that the challenges of the year have brought out the very best in our people, and we continue to invest in building a talented and capable team for the future. Mazars honoured all trainee offers, alongside making key appointments
at all levels of seniority across the team and the partnership. Investments in IT transformation over recent years provided a smooth transition to remote working and have underpinned our ability to deliver for our clients and collaborate with our teams throughout the pandemic.

Amidst the challenges of this year, we also took the opportunity to pause and prepare for the future. In articulating a new brand and purpose; ‘to help build the foundations of a fair and prosperous world’; we have committed to focus on continuing to build an inclusive, diverse organisation which is representative of the society in which we operate. We are progressing towards our clear sustainability goals, and we are signatories to the Women in Finance Charter, Charter for Black Talent in Finance and the Professions, 10,000 Black Interns and the Valuable 500.

This has been a year of unique and unexpected challenges. We emerge as a resilient and unified firm, moving towards the future with optimism.

Phil Verity
UK Senior Partner


Mazars in the UK Financial Statement year ended Aug 2020

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