
Forvis Mazars Corporate Finance Limited is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority to:

• Act as operator to unregulated collective investment schemes (“UCIS”)
• Act as small authorised UK alternative investment fund manager (“AIFM”)
• Approve financial promotions for a range of investment products

Authorised operator of unregulated collective investment schemes (“UCIS”)

What we do – Issuer role

  • Provide assistance for the initial set-up of the scheme, such as: Ensuring all appropriate parties are engaged
  • Project manage and oversee the establishment of the scheme
  • Review, comment and approve the required financial promotions including  the Information Memorandum, and future marketing literature, including websites;
  • Review other scheme documentation to ensure compliance with the FCA’s conduct of business rules, where appropriate; and

What we do – Operator role

  • Ensure Anti-Money Laundering and Know Your Customer checks are carried out on all prospective members / partners prior to admitting them into the fund;
  • Admit members/partners into the scheme;
  • Hold a register of members / partners;
  • Oversee the managers of the scheme and all transactions;
  • Provide administrative assistance;
  • Act as joint signatory on the fund’s bank account; and
  • Ensure that the winding up process is carried out correctly.

Small Authorised UK Alternative Investment Fund Manager (“AIFM”) under the Alternative Investment Fund Managers Directive (AIFMD).

The AIFMD is a directive of European Parliament that has introduced an authorisation and supervisory regime for AIFMs managing and marketing Alternative Investment Funds (AIFs) in the EU.

Under the directive an AIF is defined as “an entity that raises capital from a number of investors and then invests that capital for the benefit of the investors in accordance with a defined investment policy”. Unregulated collective investment schemes, unless exempt, are considered to be AIFs.

MCFL became authorised to act as an Authorised UK Small Alternative Investment Fund Manager on 21 July 2014.

Our principle role in this respect is to perform the portfolio and risk management functions which are required to be performed. 

We can perform this role alongside that of operator or as a stand alone AIFM.

Approve financial promotions

  • We advise on matters relating to the procedures involved in issuing and approving your financial promotion and in dealing with prospective investors (and the rules in relation to client categorisation, where relevant).
  • Assistance in preparing your financial promotion (by working closely with your legal advisers when necessary) whilst ensuring that it adheres to the rules and guidance as set out in the Conduct of Business Sourcebook (COBS), where appropriate. This will include: Ensuring that it contains the prescribed risk warnings and conveys the required levels of prominence throughout
  • Ensuring that it is clear, fair and not mis-leading
  • Through the approval process, conduct verification of the content of the financial promotion (by verifying each statement of fact and opinion) ensuring that it fully complies with the requirements of COBS. Paying particular attention to: Ensuring that it contains the prescribed risk warnings which would be required under COBS;
  • The contents of any financial models included in the document;
  • Statements on possible returns; and
  • Potential conflicts of interest.
  • We also approve supplemental financial promotion marketing material, such as teasers, presentations and website pages.

Forvis Mazars Corporate Finance Limited is registered in England and Wales, and is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority.

Get in touch

If you would like to contact the Financial Advisory team, please contact us or use the link below to submit Request For Proposal documents

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