Operational consulting

Driving sustainable growth by developing the efficiency, effectiveness and the resilience of your operating model

Every business faces operational challenges at some point. These typically materialise as cash shortages, production delays, material availability, product quality falls, client and employee dissatisfaction, growth and capacity issues and ultimately, reductions in your profit margins.

Our approach considers people, process, assets and technology to determine the impact and root-causes of your operational challenges, and we review them in all in the context of your overall business strategy.

We then deliver solutions that create a more sustainable, profitable and efficient operating environment that is fit for purpose, and supports your business goals.

We work with privately owned businesses as well as global multi-national groups across many sectors, and we have deep sector expertise in Manufacturing, Engineering, Food and Beverage and Logistics.

We offer Operational Performance improvement programmes, Supply chain reviews and optimisation, and Operational due diligence to support acquisitions, disposals and integrations.

Our approach

Our structured approach to operational optimisation projects focusses on examining areas within your value chain from procurement to production, order fulfilment to customer services. We work as an extension of your team, identifying opportunities for management of people, processes and systems to improve your financial performance and increase resilience.

We will address immediate concerns within your business, whilst concurrently focussing on your growth strategy. Our approach is outlined below:

  1. Current state - reviewing the current operating landscape in order to establish immediate opportunities.
  2. Future requirements – working with your management team, we will strategically assess and advise you on your future state requirements.
  3. Gap analysis and workstream definition - identifying improvement work streams aligned to the future state map. 
  4. Implementation – implementing an agreed road map using a structured PMO approach with strong governance and devolved responsibilities.

Our services

We work closely with each business to provide a service that meets their requirements. This can often include:

  • EBITDA Enhancement: including cost reduction, growth strategy and commercial reviews
  • Transforming Business operations: including OEE improvement, supply chain transformation, Footprint optimisation, operational reviews
  • Project Delivery: including capital projects, infrastructure projects and transformation projects
  • Process efficiencies: Lead time improvement, procurement efficiency and effectiveness, support function optimisation 
  • Digitisation: supporting businesses on their journey to industry 4.0 in data integration, AI, machine learning etc.

For more information, please contact us today.

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