Case 50616 – Investigation into Atlantic joint business agreement

Mazars LLP is the Monitoring Trustee approved by the Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) to oversee compliance by American Airlines Group Inc, British Airways plc, Iberia Lineas Aereas de Espana SA and International Consolidated Airlines Group SA with the Commitments given to European Commission in 2010 in case COMP/F-1/39.596. The 2010 Commitments are amended by the Interim Measures Directions made by the CMA on 4 April 2022 (Directions).

Further information about the case, including the Directions is available on the dedicated case page on the CMA website.

The 2010 Commitments are available on the European Commission website.

The general responsibilities of the Monitoring Trustee are set out in clause 5.2 of the 2010 Commitments. The Monitoring Trustee also has specific responsibilities which are set out in the 2010 Commitments and the Directions.

Notice of an upcoming Slot Release Procedure for IATA Summer 2024 Season

The information provided below is intended to draw the attention of Applicants to certain sections of the Commitments (as amended by the Directions).

The Slot Release Procedure opened on 15 June 2023.  The following Slots are available at London Heathrow or London Gatwick airport to be awarded to eligible applicants for operations to.

  • Boston: 2 daily Slots (14 roundtrips per week);
  • Dallas/Fort Worth: 1 daily Slot (7 roundtrips per week); and
  • Miami: 1 daily Slot (7 roundtrips per week).

Slot Release Agreements awarded pursuant to this procedure shall be for operations from and including the IATA Summer 2024 Season up to and including the IATA Winter 2025/26 Season.

Applicants wishing to apply for Slots should request a Slot Release Procedure Document from the Monitoring Trustee at the earliest opportunity.  Expressions of interest must be submitted to the Monitoring Trustee on the form provided by no later than 18:00 BST on 29 June 2023.

Key dates for the IATA Summer 2024 Slot Release Procedure

  • 29 June 2023 – Deadline for Applicants to notify the Trustee of their intention to apply for Slots
  • 20 July 2023 - Deadline for the CMA (advised by the Monitoring Trustee and the DOT) to assess whether the Applicant meets the definition of Prospective Entrant as set out in the definitions of the Directions.
  • 17 August 2023 – Deadline for the Applicant to submit to the Trustee a Slot Transfer Request Form.
  • 5 October 2023 –
    • Deadline for Applicants to send a request for Slots in accordance with the General Slot Allocation Procedure; and
    • Deadline for Applicants to send the Trustee its business plan.

If the Current Remedy Slot Holder is the only Applicant which meets the Prospective Entrant definition, by 20 July 2023 the CMA will the Current Remedy Slot Holder that the existing SRA can be extended on the same terms for a duration of up to four consecutive IATA Seasons commencing with Summer 2024. 

Further details of the Slot Release Procedure are available from the Monitoring Trustee.  Applicants are requested to contact, with a copy to,, and to obtain a Slot Request Application Form.

Applicants are strongly encouraged to also contact Airport Coordination Limited (ACL) at the earliest opportunity. ACL is responsible for the coordination of slots, service and infrastructure requirements at London Heathrow and London Gatwick airports. In the first instance, Applicants should contact Richard Cann or Ingrid Hainy at ACL, whose details are provided below:

Airport Coordination Ltd
240 London Road
TW18 4JT
United Kingdom


+44 (0)20 8564 0600


+44 (0)20 8564 0691




Web Site:

Contact details

Monitoring Trustee:

AJB Monitoring Trustee
FAO Justin Menezes

Mazars LLP, 30 Old Bailey, London, EC4M 7AU

Tel: +44 (0)7881 284 080

National contact