Inflation forecasts & the Household Support Fund

The economy, global uncertainty and the cost of living featured heavily in the Spring Announcement with the Office for Budget Responsibility forecasting inflation to be 7.4% in 2022 before decreasing to 4% in 2023 and 1.5% in 2024.

Local authorities are not immune to the effect of inflation and there will be an ongoing need to ensure fiscal responsibility, understand the impact on current and future borrowing, maintain effective financial planning and financial control arrangements on pay and, non-pay costs.  In addition, there will be a need to risk manage the continuity of services and supply chains in areas already facing significant challenge, such as social care. 

The Spring Statement also included the continuation of the Household Support Fund, with a further £500m to be provided to Local Authorities to continue to support vulnerable members of our society through the current economic challenges. There is concern in the Sector that the £500m is not sufficient, but this, in addition to the energy rebate bill package, means local authorities need to ensure they have effective arrangements for the administration, distribution and validation of funds to those in need.

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