G-Cloud framework 12

We are an official supplier on G-Cloud 12, a major government procurement framework.

What is the G-Cloud framework?

The G-Cloud framework is a series of agreements between the UK government and suppliers who provide cloud-based services. These suppliers agree to provide their cloud platform and infrastructure services that help buyers to deploy software and manage their available technological resources. 

The G-Cloud framework was created in 2014 by the Crown Commercial Service and Government Digital Service, and is now on its 12th iteration, with G-Cloud 12 being released in September of 2020. This newest update will come with the capabilities of providing cloud hosting, support, and software directing services for interested buyers of the product.

The framework allows the central government, local authorities, NHS TrustsMinistry of Defense and other public sector bodies (including agencies and arm’s length bodies) to access a central website and purchase cloud-based services. 

Under the latest G-Cloud framework, we have 30 services available, including Penetration Testing, Forensic, Cyber Security & Privacy, Technology Advisory, IT Effectiveness Assessment, IT Assurance and Data Analytics.

Click here for more details.

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