Risk Data Management Services

Regulators expect banks to design and implement sound data management practices that ensure risk management and regulatory reporting are comprehensive, holistic and accurate. With this in mind, we support clients at all stages of their data journey from idealisation to realisation, helping them to optimise the strategic value of their risk and regulatory data.

There is a growing demand for risk management to leverage more on the vast available internal and external data to deliver meaningful insights and improve business performance. Organisations need data to proactively highlight risks and opportunities, be readily adaptable to changing regulatory requirements and provide forward-looking insights to enhance operational resilience and capital management capabilities.

Our Risk Data Management Services focus on assisting banks ensure data used for risk management and regulatory reporting purposes can be relied upon and is structured in a way that is meaningful, flexible and accessible. We support clients implement data transformation initiatives and any data related aspects of regulatory compliance programmes such as Basel Committee on Banking Supervision (BCBS 239) implementation.

Our range of customised data management solutions include the following areas:

Risk Data Governance

A formalised and clearly defined governance structure is needed to ensure different departments within an organisation adequately use the right data for their risk management and regulatory reporting activities. We help clients implement robust oversight arrangements and establish data management responsibilities aimed at safeguarding the data integrity.

Risk Data Quality

Banks should be able to trust their risk data quality: data failures can have severe financial, reputation and regulatory consequences. We help clients define a strategic approach to having consistent high-quality risk data that provides a true and complete view of their risk profile. Our services range from one-off risk data remediation efforts to supporting the design and implementation of suitable robust controls that deliver high quality data throughout the data lifecycle.

Risk Data Architecture

As banks deal with vast amounts of data in different formats and from different sources, they face the operational challenge of aggregating and using these data. We help clients build and deploy suitable technology solutions to address increasing and changing risk and regulatory requirements. We also support clients with the safe and smooth migration from legacy risk and reporting IT systems to a single golden source.

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For more information on how we can help, please contact us.

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