Basel 3.1 - Bitesize

In this series of short bitesize articles, our Prudential Regulation Consulting team delves into the implications of Basel 3.1 changes on banks.

The primary objective of the revisions in the current framework is to improve the reliability of capital ratios. This is being done by the following:

• Adding a far greater granularity in risk weighting under the standardised approach (SA) to Credit Risk.

• Complete overhaul of the approach to operational risk with the introduction of a new standardised approach.

• Addressing limitations of internal models (IMs) for the Internal ratings based (IRB) approach to credit risk.

• The impact of the reforms on Pillar 2 remains unaddressed. The Prudential Regulation Authority (PRA) is undertaking a review of Pillar 2 which will be completed in 2024.

As part of this review, we will consider each of those areas in further detail, exploring the impact that the changes may have on firms’ capital requirements and how the PRA is diverging from the European Central Bank (ECB) and even the Basel standards themselves.

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