VAT/Indirect tax

VAT and indirect taxes need careful planning as they make up an ever-larger part of the tax take.

Our approach

VAT and indirect taxes are transaction driven, complex, and can have a major impact on your bottom line. At Forvis Mazars, we can help with VAT and indirect taxation across the whole business lifecycle, from when your company is formed through to detailed structuring of transactions and assistance in terms of litigation. 

International cooperation is particularly important in the field of VAT and indirect taxes. Therefore, besides your regular partner responsible for the mandate, your allocated VAT and/or indirect tax expert is available to answer all your questions concerning VAT and indirect taxes and is available as sparring partner where needed. We have deep national and international expertise from a team of tax consultants, specialist lawyers for tax law as well as auditors and management consultants. Our 'Global Indirect Tax Group' comprises a worldwide network of specialists who advise companies exclusively in the field of indirect taxes, e.g. VAT and customs, foreign trade law and excise duties.  

Among the main services that we deliver to our customers, we highlight the following:

  • Full advisory service on general or specific indirect tax issues (VAT, other indirect taxes, customs duties).
  • Sanity-checks: internal audit of compliance with formal and material obligations related to indirect taxation.
  • Identification and management of risks related to VAT and other indirect taxes.
  • Analysis of the deduction of input VAT according to the activities carried out: rules of differentiated sectors of activity, and pro-rata rules.
  • Advice on VAT and indirect taxes in M&A operations (including Due Diligence and drafting/checking VAT clauses).
  • Specific advice on indirect taxation associated with international trade: export/import transactions, chain transactions, triangular transactions, call-off stock agreements.
  • Specific advice on VAT and indirect taxation in relation to Brexit.
  • Specific advice on indirect taxation linked to sector specialities: real estate taxation, taxation of financial and insurance transactions, taxation of the public sector, special regime for travel agencies, logistics and freight forwarding companies, among others.
  • Special regime for groups of entities: compliance with formal obligations, special regime for determining the taxable base, review of the analytical information system and the report justifying the allocation criteria used.
  • Assistance and advice in VAT, Customs and indirect tax inspections.
  • Assistance and advice in economic-administrative proceedings and contentious-administrative appeals in the field of indirect taxation.

Our tools & solutions  

In the provision of our services we have various tools, with which we can help our clients in the best conditions, among others

  • VAT Comparison tool: Our VAT comparison tool offers our clients the opportunity to gain information of country specific VAT jurisdictions. This enables businesses to get an initial idea of the VAT  
  • VAT-ID Verifier tool: A fully integrated software solution. We offer you a solution whichever you need: Quickly and personally via our Managed Service, simply and permanently online via our self-service or seamlessly automated through ERP integration. We will help you to find the best solution for you. 

Our people  

Forvis Mazars’ Global VAT and Indirect Tax Group is well prepared to assist you: quickly, competently and practically oriented. Our VAT and indirect tax team takes a proactive, integrated and solutions-based approach with decision guidance.  
