Transfer pricing

A global view on a business-critical, fast-evolving issue.

Companies that cross international borders are increasingly facing complex regulatory and tax issues in the different jurisdictions where they operate.

The exchange of information between different countries is becoming increasingly common for tax administrations to obtain greater clarity on the market value of international transactions.

However, the issue is not only restricted to large multinationals, but also affects family-owned companies and medium-sized businesses that conduct part of their business operations abroad. It is often precisely in this area where tax inspectors focus their attention, as these are small or medium-sized companies that have traditionally treated transfer pricing as a low priority issue.

Forvis Mazars offers a range of solutions for transfer pricing management so you can ensure compliance with local regulations.


Our approach

The Tax Authorities’ control of transfer pricing is increasing the world over. Only a global, multi-level approach can bring simplicity to this fast-evolving issue. Our global presence in more than 90 countries provides the vital expertise in tracking events, such as new legislation and court/tribunal rulings in each jurisdiction, through direct contact with our transfer pricing experts who have deep industry know-how and the necessary local and international experience.

Our International Transfer Pricing Community brings together specialists from across disciplines, including lawyers and economists, who can deliver a comprehensive service to companies in all fields affecting Transfer Prices.

Our services

Our people

Our team consists of experienced tax specialists and transfer pricing experts with country and sector specific tax and industry knowhow, accountants
