Bankruptcy unit

Our bankruptcy team offers a wide experience in bankruptcy, both as Insolvency Administrator and in the processing and management of arrangements, to assist you to defend your interests and limit your risks

In Forvis Mazars we offer advice prior to the bankruptcy proceeding, help you to present the arrangement and manage the bankruptcy proceeding.

Advice prior to the bankruptcy proceeding

  • Analysis of risks associated to the bankruptcy proceeding for the Company’s Directors, other Group companies and shareholders’ holding companies.
  • Evaluation prior to the presentation of the bankruptcy proceeding and of possible arguments to document the bankruptcy, as well as of bankruptcy negotiation strategies (advanced arrangement, etc.).
  • Analysis of the company’s financing and income sources and the bankruptcy proceeding’s impact on them.
  • Estimation of costs associated to the bankruptcy proceeding and adaptation of the company’s cash plan to it.
  • Financial modelling of the different scenarios possible in the bankruptcy proceeding.
  • Analysis of the company’s labour structure and determination, where applicable, of measures to be adopted and their timing.

Proceeding’s filing

  • Assistance in the preparation of the different documentation to be incorporated in the proceeding:
  • Bankruptcy’s application.
  • Graphic report to be attached to the application for voluntary arrangement.
  • Inventory of the company’s goods and right.
  • List of creditors.
  • Report on significant changes.
  • Assistance in the preparation of a feasibility plan.
  • Preparation of arrangement proposals.
  • Collaboration in the preparation of payment plans, tax deferral, personnel’s restructuring operation, etc.
  • Advice in relationships held before the Court and before bankruptcy administrators, relations with suppliers and creditors, etc

Management of the bankruptcy proceeding

  • Assistance to customers throughout all of the proceeding’s stages, both from the economic and the legal standpoints:
  • Assistance in the presentation and negotiation of the feasibility plan.
  • Preparation of arrangement proposals.
  • Execution and control of stipulated payment plans, tax deferrals, downsizing plans, etc.

Forvis Mazars counts with a team of professionals with strong experience in the management and processing of bankruptcy proceedings, as well as in Bankruptcy Administration. Our team is specialized in sectors and counts with experience in the negotiation with financial entities, investors and creditors, both at national and at international level.
