Internal Audit Function

In 2016 the Solvency II Directive came into force, until that date the insurance sector had almost two years ahead to continue working on adapting their processes to the new environment,
Guided by EIOPA guidelines.

The changes to be made are as significant as necessary. All the sector entities are bound to undertake reforms in their management to focus on the risks control and sure percussion in capital needs. The timetable for the issuance of standards and guidelines by European and national bodies can give us some guidelines to carry out these changes:

The changes to be made are as significant as necessary. All the entities of the sector are obliged to undertake reforms in their management to focus on the control of the risks and their impact on the capital needs. The timetable for the issuance of standards and guidelines by European and national bodies can give us some guidelines to carry out these changes

You can download the complete document


Función de auditoria interna
