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You will find here all the latest news, publications and events from Forvis Mazars in Spain.
Listed below is the latest news from Forvis Mazars in Spain

A height experience

Fernando Sierra, tax manager, tells us his experience in the Kilimanjaro, Alps, Caucasus, Andes... why climb Mountains?

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New European Regulation on Data Protection

We present our solution to help companies in compliance with the new European Data Protection Regulation, which must be adopted by all companies by 25th May, 2018, regardless of their size.

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Especificaciones técnicas y hojas de trabajo del segundo test de estrés para la industria europea de seguros.

Principales implicaciones fiscales como consecuencia del Brexit

A continuación sintetizamos los aspectos tributarios más relevantes a consecuencia de la retirada del Reino Unido de la Unión Europea, una vez que el período transitorio, durante el cual se ha continuado aplicando la legislación comunitaria en el Reino Unido en relación al mercado interior, unión aduanera y las políticas comunitarias, concluyó el pasado 31 de diciembre de 2020.

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Mazars crece un 7,8% en el ejercicio 2019-2020

Mazars anuncia hoy unos ingresos de 1.900 millones de euros en su ejercicio 2019/2020 (1 de septiembre de 2019 - 31 de agosto de 2020).

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Reinventing the wheel: what’s driving change in 21st century mobility

How can the mobility sector respond to evolving consumer expectations to influence and lead a transformation towards cleaner, more connected and collaborative systems?

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Mazars 2020 C-suite barometer

In the midst of a global pandemic, a majority of business leaders still expected growth in 2021. What else do they see on the horizon?

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How is the new standard IFRS15 affecting companies?

This standard relies on the concept of transfer of control to recognise revenue, rather than on risks and rewards as previously. It requires a contract to be broken down into distinct performance obligations, each with their own margin and pattern of revenue recognition.

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III Prix Entrepreneur Tech

Next Wednesday, July 4, the final event of the III Prix Entrepreneur Tech will take place, organized by the French Chamber of Commerce of Barcelona and sponsored by Mazars.

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