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Listed below is the latest news from Forvis Mazars in Spain
Listed below is the latest news from Forvis Mazars in Spain
Benchmark Study on Reinsurers’ Financial Communication

Reinsurance, also known as the “ insurers’ insurance ”, plays a key role in the global market economy today. Several factors, such as the strengthening of capital requirements, the increasing level of significant NAT CAT events or the need for optimal coverage is increasing the need for reinsurance.
Estudio sobre la NIIF 9 en las aseguradoras europeas

La nueva norma NIIF 9 sobre instrumentos financieros es efectiva desde el 1 de enero de 2018 para la mayoría de las entidades, pero los grupos de seguros tienen la posibilidad de aplazar su aplicación hasta el año 2021, año en que la nueva norma NIIF 17, sobre contratos de seguro, entrará en vigor.
Integrated Reporting: Towards a Global Adoption?

Integrated Reporting applies principles and concepts that are focused on bringing greater cohesion and efficiency to the reporting process, and adopting ‘integrated thinking’ as a way of breaking down internal silos and reducing duplication.The Framework has been tested and assessed during these past three years and significant ‘breakthroughs’ have been achieved. Our present paper, therefore, aims to illustrate the insurance industry trends and marks the end of the “Breakthrough Phase”.
Mazarians stories: nuestro internacional de la selección española
"Muchos me conoceréis porque soy una de las primeras personas que veis cuando entráis en las oficinas de Mazars. Lo que quizá no sabéis, es que nada más salir de trabajar, lucho por un sueño que ya dura diez años", esta es la historia de Carlos Rodríguez.
Annual report on the ecommerce 2018

What are the main challenges and opportunities in the ecommerce market for companies in Spain?
Global E-commerce Report 2017

Mazars is pleased to promote the 2017 edition of the Global Ecommerce report devised by the Ecommerce Foundation, together with the Global Ecommerce Association, gathering +40 local ecommerce association.
Is now the time for alternative valuation methods for the construction industry?

Whether it’s a local company or a major global entity, the valuation of a construction business is often estimated on the basis of multiples of earnings, and therefore essentially founded on a short-term outlook. However, businesses strategies with a long-term vision, such as innovation, energy, concessions and acquisitions are not taken fully into account in valuations. If valuers took a long-term view, through using other valuation methods that make it easier to understand these strategies, would this have an influence on how these firms are valued?
Mazarians por el mundo: París

David Gutiérrez, abogado, gerente de la oficina de Madrid, está participando en el programa de movilidad de Mazars en París. A continuación nos habla de su experiencia
Mazars sponsors for the 3rd consecutive year the European Small and Mid-Cap Awards

The awards showcase the diversity of European markets, and aims to promote stock listings by targeting SMEs and growth companies. These companies are critical to European economic recovery and meeting the EU’s objective for job creation, competitiveness and growth.