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You will find here all the latest news, publications and events from Forvis Mazars in Spain.
Listed below is the latest news from Forvis Mazars in Spain

Conferencia sobre Precios de Transferencia

David Cañabate, socio de Mazars, impartirá una conferencia sobre Precios de transferencia y Operaciones Vinculadas organizada por AEDAF (Asociación Española de Asesores Fiscales) el jueves 27 de abril de 2017.

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Mazarians españoles por el mundo: Félix Ortiz

Félix Ortiz, auditor senior de Auditoría en la oficina de Madrid, está disfrutando del programa de movilidad internacional de Mazars. Durante unos meses, se ha integrado al equipo de auditoría de Mazars en Reino Unido, concretamenete en la oficina de Londres. A continuación nos cuenta su experiencia:

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Foro Empleo Universidad de Barcelona

Como todos los años hemos participado en el Foro de Empleo que ha organizado la Facultad de Economía y Empresa de la Universidad de Barcelona.

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María Cabodevilla se incorpora al Comité de Dirección

Antoni Bover ha sido reelegido como presidente de la firma en España y continuará como miembro del Group Executive Board (GEB) de Mazars a nivel internacional.

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Trailwalker: Kilómetros que salvan vidas

Marc Fernández, auditor de Mazars en Barcelona, completó el pasado 2 de abril los 100km de la Trailwalker Girona. A continuación nos cuenta su experiencia.

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Creating Value Solutions

A new microsite that includes articles, reports and analysis, prepared by the firm and its professionals, in relation to the major challenges facing companies.

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Antoni Bover, reelegido para dirigir MARCALLIANCE

El presidente de Mazars en España, Antoni Bover, continuará presidiendo el consejo de administración de MARCALLIANCE, una alianza internacional que agrupa a despachos de abogados con presencia en 22 países.

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Nace SWAN, la primera red de Business Angels de mujeres

Seed&Click ha lanzado, con el patrocinio de Mazars, la primera red de mujeres Business Angels: SWAN.

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The financial communication of insurance groups: focus on Solvency II

Over the years, financial communication has become an essential aspect of promoting the activities of large insurance groups. The exercise has particular salience this year with the arrival of the European Solvency II Directive, introducing far-reaching changes in the matter of capital requirements and risk management. Against this background, we have taken a closer look at the information available on Solvency II, the major issue in financial communication in 2015.

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How are major European construction groups performing?

It is obvious that 2015 marked a slight recovery for our sample of major construction groups with an upturn in business and improved operating margins. Growth continues at both sectoral and geographic levels, with a boost in the energy and services sector and growth in business outside of Europe. However, companies are still affected by developments in their domestic markets, as can be seen in France, where construction groups are impacted by a still-sluggish home market.

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