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You will find here all the latest news, publications and events from Forvis Mazars in Spain.
Listed below is the latest news from Forvis Mazars in Spain

2017 Mazars Global Water Risk Survey

Is your business taking water for granted? Today's water might be tomorrow's oil. In 2016 alone, businesses may be facing water-related impacts worth $14 billion. This is more than five times the $2.6 billion reported the previous year*.

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The Financial Services Future: Transforming an industry

In partnership with the Economist Intelligence Unit, Mazars has developed a unique programme of thought leadership to examine the current challenges the Financial Services industry is facing. The series of articles focuses on the current transformation of the financial services industry and its likely shape in the future from three different but related perspectives: technological, regulatory and business model transformation.

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Auditor por un día

Mazars ha participado en la jornada organizada por el ICJC "Auditor por un día", que ha tenido lugar el 20 de abril de 2017

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The Case for Enterprise Risk Management in Insurance

Experts from Chartis Research and Mazars have teamed up to explore how insurers are implementing enterprise risk management (ERM), and what’s required for a successful integration.

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Survey : Managing Risk in the Digital Age
2016 proved to be another sensational year for the global e-commerce industry, with an estimated $2,671 billion in online sales. E-commerce undeniably opens the door to a wealth of competitive advantages and opportunities, but what are the RISKS involved and how are companies managing them?

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The benefits for venturing abroad

The Economist Intelligence Unit wrote a series of articles sponsored by Mazars focusing on five challenges facing SMEs venturing abroad for the first time. Indeed, the challenges of operating in an unfamiliar environment are daunting, but offer tremendous potential.

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Principales retos en materia de transformación digital

El evento, organizado por Mujeres Avenir y patrocinado por Mazars, contó con la participación de la Secretaria de Estado de Investigación, Desarrollo e Innovación, Carmen Vela Olmo; la presidenta de IBM España, Portugal, Grecia e Israel, Marta Martínez Alonso y la Directora de Investigación y Jefa del Proyecto Vehículo Autónomo y nuevas movilidades de Renault Francia, Karine Hure-Navarro.

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Trailwalker: Kilómetros que salvan vidas

Marc Fernández, auditor de Mazars en Barcelona, completó el pasado 2 de abril los 100km de la Trailwalker Girona. A continuación nos cuenta su experiencia.

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