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Listed below is the latest news from Forvis Mazars in Spain

Especificaciones técnicas y hojas de trabajo del segundo test de estrés para la industria europea de seguros.

Research report - Leadership in AI 2021: boards, barriers and new beginnings

One of the biggest technological issues for boards and their businesses over the coming months will be managing the implementation and expectation of artificial intelligence (AI) technologies. Organisations are increasingly leveraging technology in response to the pandemic and it has undoubtedly accelerated interest in automation. Mazars, in collaboration with Board Agenda and INSEAD, has surveyed boards about their experiences with AI technologies. How are they adopting or planning to adopt AI? What are the barriers and benefits to using these technologies? How will AI impact upon their business and culture?

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Reinventing the wheel: what’s driving change in 21st century mobility

How can the mobility sector respond to evolving consumer expectations to influence and lead a transformation towards cleaner, more connected and collaborative systems?

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Mazars 2020 C-suite barometer

In the midst of a global pandemic, a majority of business leaders still expected growth in 2021. What else do they see on the horizon?

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Mazars announces a 12.8% revenue increase and accelerates its international expansion

Mazars’ unique, integrated, international partnership continues to grow. In early January, two new countries - Colombia and Uganda - joined the partnership, which now includes 86 countries and territories. The group aims to achieve more than 2 billion euros in revenues by 2020, up from 1.5 billion euros today.

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Quantified impacts of IFRS 9: initial findings

At the end of February 2018, all the major European banks published information on the impact of the implementation of the new standard IFRS 9. IFRS 9 introduces numerous changes (classification, impairment, hedging, etc.). Their impacts at the transition date vary widely from one bank to another. They are negative in most cases, but for some banks are virtually nil or even positive. The indicators used are also variable: though the impact on the CET1 ratio is a firm common indicator, the level of further detail reported varies significantly from one institution to another.

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How is the new standard IFRS15 affecting companies?

This standard relies on the concept of transfer of control to recognise revenue, rather than on risks and rewards as previously. It requires a contract to be broken down into distinct performance obligations, each with their own margin and pattern of revenue recognition.

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2018 Mazars Global Automotive Study

Mazars automotive expert community, together with the industry experts from IHS, are pleased to present the 2018 global study on sustainable mobility.

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Mazars reinforces its management team with the appointment of two new partners

Isabel Velázquez and Alberto Martínez have been appointed new partners of the firm after the meeting of international partners that was recently held in Berlin.

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