Sebastian Cornelius Retter Partner

Sebastian Cornelius Retter


Lawyer, specialist lawyer for medical law and insurance law

Areas of expertise

Special sector knowledge

  • Healthcare & life sciences


  • German
  • English

Brief biography

  •     Since 2020 Forvis Mazars (formerly Mazars)
  •     2019 - 2020 Dierks+Company, Berlin
  •     2004 - 2018 Junghans & Radau, Berlin
  •     2002 - 2003 Streitbörger Speckmann, Potsdam


Sebastian Cornelius Retter joined Forvis Mazars (formerly Mazars) as a lawyer in 2020 and became a Partner in 2022. He and his team are responsible for the medical devices & digital health practice group in the healthcare practice department. He advises market participants, particularly manufacturers, health care professionals and universities, hospitals, associations, ministries, authorities and consultancies. One focus of his advisory work is market access for manufacturers of medical devices and in-vitro diagnostics or providers of health care services in the regulated market, particularly regarding cost reimbursement in the statutory social insurance system. Sebastian Retter has broad expertise in medical law. He advised doctors and dentists, professional practice groups and medical care centers and clinics at the interface to the outpatient sector for many years. In addition, he has proven experience in insurance law, including authoring the Schwintowski Brömmelmeyer practical commentary on the VVG.

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