Who we are

Our brand identity

Our brand identity
Corporate Sustainability

Corporate Sustainability

Nachhaltigkeit ist ein wichtiger Teil unserer Unternehmensstrategie, mit der wir unseren weiteren Weg vorzeichnen. Sie ist Grundlage für unser Handeln sowie Ausdruck einer verantwortungsvollen Unternehmensführung. Unser Ziel ist es, Nachhaltigkeit wie auch wirtschaftlichen Erfolg in Einklang zu bringen, um so unseren Beitrag für eine gerechte und prosperierende Welt zu leisten.

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Diversity and inclusion

At Forvis Mazars, diversity is a key topic on our Group Executive Board’s agenda. It is how we have grown as an international group, deeply rooted in local territories and cultures, and it is how we operate today and how we plan for tomorrow - working as one inclusive team around the world, making decisions and defining our future path together. Diversity and inclusion are the foundations of the modern firm we strive to be.

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Diversity and inclusion
Forvis Mazars in Germany

Forvis Mazars in Germany

Forvis Mazars is your global partner for audit, tax and advisory services.

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Forvis Mazars worldwide

We are an international audit, tax and advisory firm committed to helping our clients confidently build and grow their businesses. Present in over 100 countries and territories, we work together as one team across borders and functions to deliver exceptional and tailored services.

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Forvis Mazars worldwide
Our managing team

Our managing team

At Forvis Mazars, the Partners' Assembly is the highest decision-making body. The German partners meet three times a year for this purpose. They elect the supervisory board and the management board from among their number, as well as the heads of the service lines.

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About us

Forvis Mazars is a leading provider of audit & assurance, tax, advisory & consulting services worldwide.

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About us